I'm enjoying this game alot even with it's faults and playing on 360 over PC, went this route cause so many people on my FL got it. I love the fact that my buddy got it 2 weeks after i started and doesn't have to much trouble "questing" with me unlike every MMO out there where you have to get within a couple lvls to be in the same "zone" this is a HUGE thing for me.
@FAIL_TR0LL @abcdefgabcdefgz I doubt it... They thought they were saving money going cheap on thermal paste and it cost them WAY more refurbishing systems than they saved
@sdoxas @draken2533 won't have to deal with it cause i won't buy it i'm going to PS4 if this is the case which i'm sure it will be the same with alot of people but we will wait and see
@Kingfish1982 @kingcrimson24 LMAO standard connection in SK is 100mb also a small country where almost everyone is wired. When i have been in SK I love online gaming because almost everyone has great connections the US is WAY larger and internet isn't everywhere here
@Kingfish1982 I guess people like me that work all over the world and take my gaming system with me don't count huh? cause staying in the best hotel doesn't equal the best internet connection cause it's all wifi and when you have a 10mb connection for a whole place your not getting online. Even something as simple as going out of town on a vacation or visiting family and taking it with you and they don't have internet well your SoL. If they chose to do this which i really don't think they will because thats just straight shooting yourself in the foot
@Gallowhand Yes it's looking great. Keeping publishers out of the picture is good for all of us I have no problem putting money up for a game i believe will have a great end product. Plus the fact we get it at a discount from what it will be retail!!!! I also believe that having all these people that have known each other for years is a BIG bonus
@Yulaw2000 @ferrarimanf355 Not being able to take a game over to a buddies to play it because of an online pass is just BS. People will probably say well take your profile and i say why the F do i have to go out of my way to play a game I BOUGHT! This is why with our steam game we gave out free games to people that bought on launch so they could pass it to their friends these publishers are just greedy you know the devs only make like ~14-20 per game
@CANOFOWNAGE @draken2533 yes it was confirmed for ps4 just because this article doesn't say it doesn't mean it's not coming for next gen look around for yourself. I'm pretty sure EA is gonna wait to talk about it more until M$'s reveal.
draken2533's comments