@BovineDivine @Kurushio I'm in the same boat! 12v12 on console was bad only played TD cause spending 5 min trying to find someone to kill on large maps put me to sleep. Why I play CoD on console and BF on PC
Just hoping with the new consoles that there can be way more than 24 players, game was way to big for only 24 people IMO. CoD to me wins on console and BF3 crushes CoD on PC. So if they can get 64 players on console i can see CoD slipping away if they stick to 18 players max but that's just my opinion.
@NINEINCH-Tool cell was very difficult to work with which sony was at fault for trying to be the most powerful but obviously factoring in porting wasn't heavily thought about. If M$ goes x86 as well porting will become so easy from pc to new xbox to ps4 and as gamers we all win. Now it will be about what the systems have to offer on the software end.
why would nvidia wanna sell chips at minimal profit when they are the ones developing medical imaging tech we all know which produces more money. consoles sold at loss at first medical equipment sold at huge marked up prices. AMD is killing intel price wise even though it's obviously the weaker of the two but your talking 1/4 the price of intel chips. I love both these companies but nvidia made the right decision IMO
@xxBenblasterxx you do realize it could be as easy as he just help found it considering if he invested the RoI is going to be great. They have around 60 people from their original staff from IW. I wouldn't be to concerned about lack of work they have been keeping the game under the radar cause they don't want people copying it.
@dlCHIEF58 @gamingfrendly also likely he wanted to help found respawn and is just sitting back spending time with family. I'm pretty sure he invested a good amount in the company, but your right family always comes first.
@baystatethrashr you know why they are held so high it's because the 2 guys that made duty in the first place founded the studio. CoD:MW almost never came to be activision wanted another WW2 shooter the founders fought, won and activision has made billions off of it. Now they can make something else other than duty when you have the greatest minds in recent FPS making a game their way and EA saying we will give you a blank check that is something to be excited about considering that is a super rare occurrence in the gaming industry in this day and age.
@PlatinumPaladin "All parties to the litigation have reached a settlement of the dispute, the terms of which are strictly confidential." Very unlikely it will ever be revealed but rumor was around 20 million
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