@torres_unix @draken2533 pretty much it's what they are saying. We all know if this happens that people will be looking up reviews or asking friends about a game which means waiting to buy a game that would regularly be bought by alot right away shooting yourself in the foot is not a good thing. Like EA rolling back alot of their microtransactions cause it's was overkill and people weren't buying it.
@SuperDutchy only ones profiting are publishers and share holders let me put it to you this way look at games like Torchlight 2 only $20 because of digital download and they keep all the money if they go through a publisher bam cost immediately skyrockets into the $50 range think about that burning a disc, putting label on disc, printing box art for dvd case and putting it in dvd case that will cost you $30
people saying it will help game devs need to get off the rock it puts money in the pusblishers pockets aka the greedy pigs at the top and share holders. It's pure greed and always has been for years, first couple generations you didn't hear of many games coming out broken now you pay $60 and get a day one patch and dlc on disc publishers are greedy as hell. Having no used games isn't gonna make devs anymore money in all honesty and talk of cheaper games yeah right $60 is here to stay. example: madden '05 $50 brand new ESPN 2K5 $20 EA dropped to 30 bought NFL license and bam $60 madden of same recycled crap
@TheAgingGamer With M$ wanting a more multimedia friendly system going to quad is still not far ahead. For devs better GPU is always the case but you have to look past the games cause thats where they are trying to go with it otherwise they wouldn't be doing all this movie/music/espn crap. 8gb of ram over 512 is HUGE though!
it may work for a short time but it will be brief cause once people that aren't informed about it catch on they are going to crash and burn like they should but most people here and hardcore gamers know it's a scam! Peter Moore is an asshat and when he is selling it to stockholders like snake oil then they lose a shit ton of money in the market he will be canned. The only company that comes to mind is valve that has players best interest in mind
@Richardthe3rd would like to add that 2 of the other founders besides brevik went on to make torchlight and the soon to be released TL2 for $20 which have been more than profitable!!!! i personally bought d3 just cause of the others and played for a couple weeks and haven't been back
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