@Total_mischief The sad thing is West and Zampella both had to fight tooth and nail against activision just to put out MW cause they wanted another WW2 shooter and it was huge and then the milking began.
@TheLonDonE @warhawk-smakaho according to sales your wrong on every level. But it is coming and i can't wait for BF4, BF3 on console was no where near CoD but on PC it crushed CoD. Add in what respawn is cooking up and activision could possibly be crushed next gen!
@jayjay444 i'm waiting as well i'm still skeptical of sony cause as i remember they promised SO much with ps3 and most of their gimmicks weren't available at launch. now i'm gonna be looking more at online offerings sony guy said they wouldn't have party chat on ps3 i hope they changed their minds cause anyone that plays online on both know that chating with people on xbox is MUCH easier even though you pay
@Leeric420 @draken2533 @nousername66 true on that point for sure but we are talkin big bucks at stake here and publishers/share holders will push for this like snake oil like they have been but it has shown if there is enough outcry from community it usually does something. If Sony says no and MS says yes you already know whats gonna happen at that point next gen already won
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