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A little airline humor (kind of)


Anyway, here is today's story: (taken from teh internets..but it does not change much from airport to airport)

A ramp agent was offloading baggage onto the baggage conveyor belt that takes them up to the carrousel in the main baggage claim area . This particular agent had been doing the same task for several years, but today a new twist would be added. As he was removing a bag from the cart it caught him in the face , pushing his head up and back into the edge of the cart.

The agent fell unconscious on to the conveyor belt and was carried up onto the carousel with the baggage. The agent actually came out of the shoot and slid down among the baggage, where he started to go around and around with the passengers bags.

After a few minutes of the agent going around in the carrousel a passenger grabbed the agent by the shoulders and started to shake him while yelling
"Is this all the baggage off flight 812"??

:lol: I tell ya.. there were times I just wanted to knock some of those passengers out cold or just tell them to STFU!!

Hate for America + no mods= HELL!!!

Before you read this you should know that this is NOT about GS or GS mods so if you were hoping for some fresh, out of the oven gossip/bashing you can stop reading right now and leave my journal holding your head down in shame!!

I got an invitation to join this online community Orkut (kinda like myspace I guess). You can join by invite only and apparently 95% from the users are brazilian. (and a bunch of ignorant baboons) wait, wait.. before you say: "Dri.. WTF?? you live in Brazil and you are talking crap about them!! Lemme explain why I had to use that horrible term to describe a large number of people who post in Orkut's communities.

7 out of 10 comments left by a brazilian there praises Bin Laden and wishes dead to americans O.o (get it now?)

I can't deny the fact that after seeing all that hate I am extremely dissapointed, disgusted and sad and I can even manage to look at people here the same way I used to (yes.. comments are that bad) *sigh* BUT here is the twist.... they don't have mods there so I can flame to my hearts content....problem is.... I am not like that, I am civilized, educated and feel the need to be goofy, funny and have smart converzations every now and then and most important I respect people regardless of origin, race, religion, gender.... whatever.

Flaming and trolling without the fear of bannage can be fun for 10 minutes.. but after that I remember that I am part of a much better community with lots of people I like and I can have fun with. After seeing what I saw there I am never gonna complain about newbies (will continue to bash n00bs though lol). That experience made me appreciate this place so much more I think I am gonna cry.

Quick.. someone give me a tissue :cry:

Nutting much to report...

Is it possible to hate a song so much you end up liking it against your will.. and then you find yourself singing and shaking your money maker when it comes on the radio??

Dont ask :|

Anyways, I have 2 days off.. (well, techically only one now) until my temp permit gets here so I can start the other half of my classes.So today was not very productive, I wanted to stay home and be left alone for a change after having the apartment full of people over the weekend (which I enjoyed a little too much O.o) Don't ask !! ..

So my day went down like this:

  • sleep
  • eat
  • internet
  • PS2
  • have impure thoughts about .. (not for you to know lol)

Tomorrow I am dragging my happy behind to the mall for some girly shopping ( I am getting the SW box set and some other junk) It's useless to buy clothes or shoes now 'cause the weather is crazy.. gah!

I am half way there.. HOORAY!!!

I passed that damn theory part of the drivers test YAY!! I don't know how because everytime I tried to study during the weekend I would end up falling sleep on top of the book, running to my playstation or like yesterday, being silly on AIM.

Panic settled in this morning around 8:30 (test was at 10am) when I finally decided to open the book just to realize in horror that there was no way in hell for me to memorize everything.. so I ran around like a maniac and just decided to go and wing it.. and I did it lol!!

Going into the test was like going to the FBI building, they take your digitals and a pic in one building, then you go to another building for the actual test and before you enter the room your info is rechecked and your ugly mug appears on the left hand side of the computer screen you are assigned to. O.o

Well, it took me 15 minutes to answer 30 questions (I had to read some questions 20 times since portuguese is not my first language) and the results appeared as soon as the test was over, no waiting, just sign a copy of your result and get the hell out.

Can you believe that one of the questions was: (translated to the best of my abilities)
If you eat a piece of candy while you are driving... what do you do with the wrapper?
A.- toss is out the window
B.- make it very small and toss is out the window
C.- without shame toss it out the window because there is people to clean the roads
D.- keep the wrapper and throw it in the trash later

 Nice way to weed out the retards!!

So I close this entry with a funny pic of a woman driver.. and any of you who dare say that's the next dri you better know that your attemps for funny are futile as I used to drive trucks in the military.. I am an excellent driver :wink:

Dare to be different....

I found this online (I have no clue who wrote it) and I dedicate it to.. everybody & nobody in particular O.o

I am who I am
Don’t care what others think
I do what I want
And I say what I think...

People may criticize me
For what I say to them
I tell them just the truth
and hope they'll understand.....

Maybe I should change
Because that’s what others would like me to do
See, I dare to be different
And maybe you should try it too........

My dreams are high
My goals are set
For I dare to be different
I have not one regret.


Story time

Natalie and Paul were a happy and normal couple who had been dating for several years and one day Natalie got an offer to spend 6 months working overseas. She accepted and told Paul she loved him very much and that before he knows it she'll be back.

Couple of months later Natalie got an letter from Paul that said:

Dear Nat,
I am so sorry about this but I must break up with you, the long distance relationship is not working and I've met someone else. I know this must be painful to you for I think is for the best for both.

PS: Could you send me back the picture of me I gave you when you left? I dont see the point of you keeping it. Thanx in advance

Poor Nat... she was so heartbroken... but then her female instict kicked in and she asked all of her co-workers pictures of their husbands, boyfriends, brothers and any male relative they could find.

The next day she had around 200 pictures, she wrote a letter and put everything inside the envelope. This is what the letter said:

Dear Paul,
I am so sorry but I don't have a f******* clue who the hell are you. I have tons of pics here but all won't fit in the envelope so can you try to find yours in those I sent and send me back the rest. I'll appreciate it.

Take care,

:lol: (if you dont get it your are slow :| )

Jebus.. what happened today around here??? O.o

GS went bananas [insert monkey ass joke here].. I mean.. I have seen some bugs before but damn today was like armageddon

:? Anyway, things seem to be back to normal, mods are back, banner is back, journal is back.... it's a good day.

In other news.. after days waiting around doing nothing I finally got a call from "boating school" to schedule my theory test so Monday at 10am is when they separate the girls from the women...the ones who drive and those who will be forced to [insert shocking music here] USE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION [end music]

:o OH NOES!!

Meh.. another weekend with my nose in them books :|

Brazil got cold again.. brrrr!!

man,men,guy Yes ladies and gents.. its cold again in sunny Brazil. Just 2 days ago it was hot as freaking hell and then WHAM!! rain and cold wind took over the sunny days. Damn world climate...but I like cold weather plus imo people tend to dress better when the temperatures drops...and some guys look so sexy with nice jackets or sweaters ..yummers!!


Good thing the nice postman finally brought the box my mami sent me from the States so I can keep myself busy with a new LCD screen for my PStwo and a few games. I've had some days off from "boating school" and I almost feel guilty for not studying but oh well.

Brrr... who wants a cup of hot cocoa??

In honor of my new acquired nickname....

.....Given to me by my one special forumite.... today I give you a little song and a dance: Little Red Monkey (flash..and most likely old but it fits today's entry like a glove)

If you dont know what the nickname is... don't worry.. only some people is allowed to call me that :wink:

I wonder if I got that nick because I live in Brazil or for other reasons O.o

Jebus... is it so hard to be original?

Seriously... is it so hard for some people around here to come up with their own ideas and make something happen without having to copy everything from somewhere else??

What a flop :|

If you dont know what the fox I am ranting about please ask me.. I'll be more than happy to give you some clues and then Oggy is gonna blab the whole thing like he always does :lol: