dscot18's forum posts
It depends on your taste in music..I would say Guitar Hero 2 has by far the better soundtrack..the music in GH3 goes farther towards the harder rock side
Also, guitar hero 2 is made by the original developers while guitar hero 3 was handed over to a different group..in my opinion, Harmonix nailed the formula in guitar hero 2..it's still quite challenging, but also fun to play.
I have beaten GH3 on expert, and I noticed something different this time around..The songs aren't fun to play..they stick less to the formula of the song, and just throw a ton of notes at you..in the previous guitar hero games, it felt more like I was actually playing the guitar tracks..I will stress that, if you want to have more fun playing, especially if you're new to the games, Guitar Hero 2 is the better choice
I would also recommend rock band over every guitar hero, if you can afford it
Agree 100%. I like 3's guitar better though.
LOL. If I was drinking something while I read this it would have been all over for my laptop...
Wow. People get mad and worked up over 5 USD. Incredible. I wish you people would care as much about your broken health-care system or any other IMPORTANT issue.Flavour666
Yes, let's give all our money to the gov't. They'll take care of us.
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