Holy monkey balls this game is awesome. I've logged about 50 minutes and now I know why GameSpot loved it so much despite giving it a 7/10. It looks awful but it has this nostalgic charm to it. It's kind of like No More Heroes without the cell shading but with the aesthetic of a fog-less Silent Hill. Where the game shines so far are the characters. The whole game is organic, people move about and carry on with their lives, it's really difficult to explain. Check it out, it's only $20.
But DAMN is it hard. Picked up the FEAR pack from the Steam Holiday Sale, as well. Have a great Christmas (or whatever you celebrate)
Bear with me, I'm on some major painkillers right now.
Monday morning I was awoken with the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and I barely made it to my University's medical center before passing out in a chair in the waiting room. I was rushed to the hospital (there's a funny story for me to tell at a later point about how I scared the **** out of the EMTs in the ambulance) and it turns out I had appendicitis. Monday evening I had an emergency appendectomy.
To give you an idea of how bad it was, they thought I had a kidney stone and when they did the CT scan of my body they could see my inflamed appendix without the required contrast solution to see human tissue.
I was discharged yesterday (Wednesday) around noon and I've been on this wonderful cocktail of painkillers that make my stationary chair float. It's ****ing awesome getting a back massage from a normal chair and it's sweet when you trip balls and your room glows.
So, yeah. I'm not going to be on much for probably about a week. As I get my strength back I'll be on more. If I don't see/year from you all until then have a great Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) and I look forward to reading more of your blogs soon.
Just thought I'd share that.
Have a great weekend.
So my last homework assignment for my Air Pollution course had me trying to figure out some ridiculous problem involving an incorrect erroneous problem (it went out of its way to give the Lone Ranger his sidekick's eyewear only to say that TLR doesn't even wear it in the next sentence) and after the 10 hour mark I just didn't care any more. This is my submitted work.
My TA's response:
"17/22 not on the monkey, the rest of the assignment. I would have liked to see some of the cranial roundness and relative ear size associated with monkeys, but overall very well done"
Guys, Leslie Neilsen just died :(
He was 84 and he will be missed.
For my final lab report for my Air Pollution course I had to write a "Competing Perspectives" section. This section is where we're supposed to write from the formal perspective of a business or agency doing something related to Air Pollution, whether preventing it or contributing to it. I typically ignore those rules and make up some rediculous acronym and just write something completely ridiculous. My professor loves them.
For example, I had PAUL, the professional and under-paid launderers, an organization of professional laundromat workers, and I had STALKER, Students Taking Arms for the Lock-up of the Killers of ESP (electro-static precipitator) Retailers. I stopped really trying to follow the rules and just started to have fun with the assignments. This is my latest "Competing Perspectives" section, I hope you like it :)
Dan, Representative of GOOGLE
We at Google try to bring the best support to our users by using simpler forms of searching power. We have been recently looking into new search filter technologies and have been interested in less traditional forms of search filtering. We found that using web-based software could only do so much to cut down on dead links and strange search results and we have been looking forward to trying some new technologies. Our head scientist in R&D has begun attempts to use filter paper to filter out bad search results.
Dr. Isaac Kleiner has begun to research the applications of filter paper on search engines after he examined the results of the particulate matter collected indoors over a 24-hour period versus the PM collected outdoors over that same 24-hour period by a high-volume PM sampler. He observed that the filter paper filtered out far more particles from the outdoor sample, indicating that far more particulate matter was present in the outdoor setting than indoors. If only there were some way for Dr. Kleiner to apply the same concept of a high volume of air to a high volume of searches.
When Dr. Kleiner presented his results to his colleague, Dr. Eli Vance, the two became very excited and began to hypothesize a way to use that technology to filter electronic search results. They began the initial tests and hooked the filter paper up to the GOOGLE search engine's server. Unfortunately, all that happened was the filter paper ignited and the server's hardware melted. Needless to say, the project was shut down and the two were relocated to the Nevada desert.
I woke up today around 8am and knew today would be a manly day. I put on my flannel-lined corduroy pants, my WPI t-shirt, a jacket and my Irish hat and turned on my computer. I immediately went to YouTube and started listening to the manliest band I could think of, NoFX. I listened to NoFX for about an hour and headed off to breakfast where I had an omelet the size of a small child filled with bacon and ham and cheese. Cheddar cheese because it's the manliest cheese of them all. I then went to my first cla$$ where we talked about Kinetics of reactions--that is like having things SMASH INTO EACH OTHER AND DO STUFF. Then I went to a lecture on really big towers used to clean emissions from coal-burning power plants. That's just awesome and manly since the towers are, like, 800 feet tall and 60 feet wide (completely serious). Then I went back to my dorm room and drank some water (but in a manly way) and played some video games. Then I did some homework and went out for fried chicken and bought the beverages that I am currently feeling the effects of and watched stand-up comedy for, like, 3 hours. Then I made some Easy-Mac and turned on Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, which is likely the inspiration for me to do something stupid like write a blog. Now I should go to bed. Have a very manly night and a very manly weekend. Also, check out Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, it's a quality web comic.
Hit me up if you want me to science you in the ways of carbon dioxide scrubbing in coal-fired power plants. Or just science you in general.
Just no. No.
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