If he did or didn't we don't know. Those he left behind will have to move on with this, so lets hope for them that he explained why he did it in a letter. We might never know, but i hope that at least his loved ones know.
@GAME-QUEST-EX I don't agree with the way how Tony took his life, but i can understand why he did it. You will lose a lot of your memory over time, you can't do much anymore and you suffer a lot of pain. Its not a easy thing to handle, and death will become a welcoming friend. I guess he wanted to end it on his terms and before he would forget who his family is, who his friends are, what he did in life and before the pain and decay would start.
Still suicide in public and just with a note is not something i would have done either.
May he rest in peace though, he was a great man and will be missed.
@avengerb 4x need to have a good single player campaign? Sins wasn't primarely a SP game, it was meant to play with other players.They never inserted much of a story in the original cause they focused on the multiplayer part. Singleplayer was just there so you could play alone. And it still was a good game. Just not your type of game but not a bad game at all.
Worst is, the whiners wouldn't even buy the game. So they give in to people who aren't investing in it anyway. And screw religion. Sorry im not religious and franky im done with this bullcrap where i have to show respect to them but them never having the respect to accept that there are none religiouse people in this world. Don't give in to them!
@Latebloomer9 @thegroveman @alkybear Well let me take away a fear and myth about pc's. For a long time now you don't need to upgrade your pc every year. A good pc will last for years, and after a few years you might have to buy a new videocard if you still want to play games on the highest setting. But a good videocard has the price of a console or less even (and than you have a really really great one). And it would be in the same amount of time as you get new consoles. Just make sure you got enough memory and you will be fine for a long time with a good videocard.
And second, when you don't have much money you want to use steam or gamersgate. They have massive discounts, and regular normal discounts on games. Steam has a summer and a Christmas sale so you never have to wait longer than a few months till the next mega sale. So you have to wait about 5 - 6 months, but most likely the game you want has been on a discount within that time more than once on either steam or gamersgate (im sure there are other digital retailers but these two i know from experience).
Also pc games are cheaper (although their prices get more and more closer to the console prices). You pay between the 40 and 50 euro for a new pc game, a console game costs about 55 - 60 euro. So a pc might be more expensive at the start, you will earn it back in the prices with games eventually.
Im not trying to say the pc is better as the consoles. Just want to point out that buying a pc might look expensive but it is easyer and cheaper to upgrade and the price for a pc game is cheaper. But it would be sad if you have to leave the platform of your choosing because the game companies are too greedy to accept used games.
@J_Dangerously As a pc gamer myself i wish you luck in finding a DRM free offline game. It is really hard. A lot of DRM is pretty well camouflaged. And don't forget, the pc is far ahead of the consoles already, we can't even buy used games anymore for the pc. Every thing is locked with activation keys, or stores simply don't take pc games back once they have been tried cause you can copy them so easy they say.
The console finds itself now at a spot where the pc was years ago, the time that you can't return games anymore (i couldn't return socom cause once played another player would need to buy a pass to get to play online..even if you only touched the singleplayer). This is exactl what happened to the pc years ago. So i really hope for the console gamer that the used games sales won't stop to excist. Cause it leads from bad to worse that way with protections.
@thegroveman @alkybear I agree with you totally. I don't know the numbers but im pretty sure that thanks to the used games a lot more games are sold. The same goes for steam with their price drops. EA says it hurts the game industry such discounts. I say it boosts the sales. You get to sell games to people who didn't had the money for it otherwise or wouldn't pay for that game cause it isn't worth the full price. It is better to sell 10 copies of your game for 30 euro than 1 copy of 60 euro. Sure with used games the money doesn't go to the devs. But they already earned the 60 euro on the first buyer.
And why is the game industry the only one crying about this concept of buying a used product. You don't hear car factories complain that their cars get sold and they never see that money. Some cars have had many owners in their life time, yet you don't hear them complain. Same goes for TV's, look at used item sites. Hell there are entire stores where you can only buy used stuff like furniture, electric devices. It is pretty normal a product can be bought used. I'm glad that the European High court said that it doesn't Mather what you put in the license agreements, a game once bought is owned by the buyer and not a license you paid to play the game. There for selling used games is totally legal and publishers may not hinder gamers in selling and buying used games. Sure the Publishers will find a way around it. But the point is that you as consumer have more rights than they like to admit. And one of them is that you may decide weather you wanna resell your product yes or no.
@tahashaikh15 The game industry is like the Oil industry here in the Netherlands. The price can only go up ;) They will never ever drop it. It would indeed be hard to believe they will drop their money tree called DLC once they block the used games sales.
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