@hippiesanta And your point is? A bad game is a bad game, be it on the console or pc. It's not the device its fault that there are terrible game designers out there. Console gets a shitload of crappy games too. So what is your point?
@Mr_BillGates Just like all shooters, normal rpg's, sport games and just about any game that came out for last 5 years? Really, its not just the MMORPG genre, all genre's are generic. All the same millitairy shooters with the same story, sport games that come out every damn year again and again with minor to no improvements or new stuff added, race games that get milked dry on what ever is hot at that moment be it police chases or illigal street races, etc. etc.
@smookert010 Cause that is EA for you. They wanna dumb down all games to appeal to the mainstream gamer. You know..that silly guy who ten years ago called you a nerd because you where playing games and now ten year later calls you a noob cause you don't like CoD? That is the people EA wants to buy their games...cause they are the largest crowd of gamers there for the most money to get from.
EA works as followed: Great IP + Hardcore fanbase = not enough money cause the managers of EA each need to earn 94 million dollars per year and not 93,9 million dollars so it will be Greap IP + dumbing down = mainstream gamers buying it + more money!
Dragon Age origin: Amazing game, fans of old school pc rpg's cheered for it. It was finally a pc rpg again that didn't hold your hand and let you play around with stats and everything. EA decides that it isn't mainstream friendly so Dragon Age 2 is a dumbed down version where you don't get to do much in character skill progression (my warrior suddenly can't dual wield 2 swords anymore? WTF).
Dead space: Amazing scifi horror survival game. Creates a nice fanbase and people cheered for having a real survival horror game again. What does EA do..dumb Dead Space 3 down like made into a action shooter with microtransaction to make it more easy for mainstream gamers who don't really like survival horror games but now can brag that they played it.
Command and conquer: Set the freaking RTS genre!!! But for some reason EA decided that base building and having many units was not the way a RTS should be. No the final game that closed the C&C series became a squad based strategy game. No more base building, always DRM and guess what...the fans hated the game, boycotted the crap out of it. Cause EA wanted to make it mainstream friendly and on top of that playable for the console...but here is the biggest joke....THEY NEVER MADE A CONSOLE VERSION OF IT SO WTF!!!!!.
Real Racing 3.....60 bucks for vehicle repair....real 60 bucks not just ingame bucks. The greed of micro transactions took a new lvl. And knowing EA they say now that they won't put it in every game. But they will, in Battlefield 4 you will pay 20 buck for every ammo clip, and 10 cents extra per bullet. And your enemie won't die unless you are willing to pay another 5 bucks. And when you get shot you can either leave the server and find a new one, or respawn after a 50 dollar fee.
@DarksjeiK Or they are just as greedy as EA and Activision and trow in a bunch of map packs that should have been in the game from the freaking start.
This game been years in the making, i believe 5 or 7 years. There is no excuse for dropping of a game with so many bugs, a broken engine and then still put in a online pass. Publishers need to realize that you need to deliver a worthy product and not for extra money. It needs to be right from the start, and then give extra content that will add to extra gameplay....like in the old days you where given expensasion packs that added a many hours of extra gameplay and extra MP stuff....these days its just freaking new guns or a mp map pack but nothing to extend the singleplayer portions of games. No Gearbox messes it up big time. I lost my faith in them to deliver quality games.
@Karzovis In what way is it meant? Negative or positive? Seeing a lot of people being negative about Kickstarter while totally forgetting that many companies who aren't subbed by kickstarter also have delays. With this their kickstarter was a massive succes and will make it possible for gamers to soon have VR in their own room without a super heavy headset.
I knew this game was gonna suck. It had a nice CGI teaser trailer. But when i saw the first ingame movies at the E3 it already looked poor and uninteresting. On top of that they tried to create a hype around it that it would be the Day-Z killer on the nintendo.....big words that where putting a serious pressure on the game. Also the E3 only just ended and now its here already. They should have invested more time in developing this game.
@jawadhasan3 Ugh wtf is up with the spoilers indeed. Come on GS give useful information why the game is good or bad, don't tell some spoilers or at least warn us that the review contains spoilers so we can decide not to watch it!
@blkgto @jawadhasan3 Well as you will see on gamespot and some other big game sites. They love games that return every year again and again. Don't change at all and haven't improved the genre one bit. No sir.....Call of Duty keeps scoring insane high scores, Halo keeps getting insane high scores, and Assassin Creed gets massive scores each time...year after year.
But games like Hitman that only appear once every few years get punished much harder where the yearly games make the same, if not worse mistakes and never get punished for it. Welcome to 2012, where certain titles are getting a 8 for the title alone.
@starduke @Lord_Python1049 Technically it means the King of England is allowed to plow woman on their wedding night. That is the origin of the word...but i guess you can see it as a form of rape.
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