@Auth It's more that reviewers of these days are the mainstream gamer and not a core gamer even though they concider themselves to be just that.
The problem is that with xbox and ps2, but more so with the current gen of consoles that many people started to game who didn't had a interest in gaming before. Now not all console gamers are like that but most prefer their games short and simple so they will feel good about themselves (this is stated by publishers to defend their insane decrease on game hours in games). Where games used to last much longer and needed time to master, now you can pick up a controller and just blast away. The pc has been pushed aside by many gamers and that also counts for reviewers. Games like these take to long to learn, you aren't the best damn gaming master in 5 minutes...and godforbid a game takes longer then 5 hours these days. Those are minor points, also it doesn't cary the name Call of Duty or Halo so don't exspect a PC only game that is just as games used to be (needing time to master and lasting for quiet some time) to get a epic score.
And bugs, well i remember that Skyrim had many bugs too, and so did Fallout New Vegas, some game breaking bugs even (though i didn't had them but i heard on the consoles these games where bugged ridden). Both games scored a nice score so it really is measuring with two standards, in one game bugs that make it unplayable are seen as a "will be patched" and when a smaller company delivers a game its "BUUUURN YOU HAVE BUGS BUUUURN".
@Lord_Vader http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5mVs7VC0r4 here is a tutorial about the different units. It gets explained nicely, i hope its of use for you and anyone else who might struggle with what units to pick and who is good against what.
@Lord_Vader It helps to learn what the strength and weakness of your units are, and that of the enemy. Watch youtube movies from people who play the games and try to learn from them. It often helps me a lot when a game is rather hard for me to see how others do it. Especially when a tutorial doesn't give me enough information to move on with.
@noandno Euhm..its the American legal system. Read the article, the woman came from Canada, the boy from Texas. Its the American law applying here.
His comment was stupid, real stupid. But come one, 8 years? I think you scared the shizzle enough out of him by arresting him. Give him some speech or something, but 8 years for shouting something on the internet, even though insensitive and plain stupid. This kid is a dumbo, i mean really, not reading any news and never watching tv so you aren't aware of the news? Im from another country and i even knew about the many shoot outs on American schools how can a kid from Texas not know it? But again, i doubt he was serious and all he can be blamed for is being a stupid dumb figure who shouted the wrong thing.
@CyrenII That is the problem many game reviewers have these days. Too young to really been active in the Golden Era of games. They grew up with CoD's and such.
Its funny or sad perhaps to read that the puzzles are too hard. How come that i as 8 - 9 year old could solve the puzzles? A 8 - 9 year old boy who hardly could read english solved the puzzles. I played many Adventure games those days, having to think a lot and if really stuck you would ask friends *shrug* Now god forbid you get stuck at some point and need to ask a friend how to continue or read a walktrough to get beyond that part. Its claimed to be bad game design, where i see it more as a problem that people appearantly get dumber and dumber and less social and more lazy too.
@emmm78 The truth is that people these days exspect a game to hold their hand and solve every puzzle for them while they can go in gun blazing. Not every game has to be made for the mainstream gamer.
Not saying you are a mainstream gamer. I was responding to your truth about what people exspect nowadays.
@SkamArtist Isn't that the problem these days? That people don't want to find things out anymore but rather have everything spelled out for them. I suck at fighting games. But damn i had a blast with the last Mortal Kombat. Just trying stuff out and trying to remember how i did it. Just like with the first MK. Where game magazines or friends had the combinations written out for you. And when it was fatality time you bashed the buttons like made and yelled in excitement if you managed to pull it off, or quickly replayed the match just to get another change to try a fatality and hoping it would work that time. Same with the secret levels when that guy showed up in the middle of a match shouting poopy or something and you quickly had to do a button combination. No one knew that from the start, they didn't tell you what buttons.
But that is the problem of today's gamer. They need to know everything without going deeper into things themselves. Shooters with a straight hallways still need to have a radar and a giant arrow telling gamers where to go to otherwise people give up cause its to confusing where to go to. Real shame that the game press these days contains such kind of gamers. What is next? Want the fighter game to tell you exactly what button to press every time someone attacks you? Do we really wanna go the path of shooters and MMORPG's where its just pointed out for you and you are hardly playing anymore. If people want that, then buy on rails games, there you won't get confused where to go to and what to do. But don't give games minor points just because you aren't willing to invest time in learning it.
I guess people don't understand that this game is a homage to the rpg genre and not so much a game on its own. Its amusing to see people say "you don't like the score cause you are all just nostalgic" yeah that is the point Sherlock, thats where this game is for. Remember us how the RPG genre moved. Still a fun game even though the combat hasn't been worked out at its best, but that is also cause it offers different styles.
@BillyColeman Sadly that is the faith of many many games :( They milk it all dry till people can't stand another one of them :( Atleast the score is more fair here then on other sides who gave it a 9 or more >.<
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