I haven't played and cared for pokemon anymore since Ruby. The magic was lost for me. But now seeing this it flamed up again. It will be the first pokemon game I'm gonna play again since Ruby. Looks great and as many of us hoped it would look like back then on the N64 but never came to it as a RPG like this. Finally they moved to 3d. Don't understand why they waited with it so long but damn its finally here and I'm gonna get it! I desperately need to play more on my 3ds anyway since i hardly used it.
@D1N02982 His books are amazing and much variation. I don't know your age but if you want action oriented books involving games you should read Netforce Explorers. I'm almost thirty and still grab one of those books every now and then to read again just cause i love the whole vibe of it.
If you want some more heavy stuff he also done a couple of biographies on generals and their experience trough out their careers, very engaging stuff.
@VastGameMaster Wasn't it always at Ubisoft..but the old Ubisoft before they became like EA and Activision? Or was Redstorm the publisher as well (do i have the name correct or where they just the devs...almost 16 or 17 years ago now...lol thats the average age of this generation gamer xD).
As kid i really couldn't be bothered much by reading. I only done so when we would go on summer vacation. It was 16 years ago we would go on vacation and i bought this book called "spook piloot" in English "Ghost pilot but not sure if that was the title for the english book. I started to read it, and gods i got hooked, i read the whole book in three days or something. Where i normally would take the entire vacation of 3 weeks to finish a book. It combined action, tense situations and games together. I loved his vision of how we would use the computers in the future, where websites where virtual hubs and you would login Matrix style (not sure who came up with it first).
Ever since that book Tom Clancy became my favorite writer of all time. Read all the Netforce explorers books and with age moved on to his other books. At the same time i was also a huge fan of the Rainbow Six games. I thought they where based on one of his book so i was looking for over 10 years or so to find the book Rainbow Six, but no bookstore could help me. Turned out it wasn't a book till somewhere in 2000 xD Loved that book too.
Tom Clancy invented the Cyber Thriller genre with Netforce, got great legendary stories on his name like The Hunt for Red October and helped out with many great games. One can disagree with the games being good or not. But Rainbow six changed how we saw shooters, that they could be more then high action gun and run games.
I will miss Tom Clancy a lot. He got me involved in reading again and its a shame we won't see any more of his work.
@flyersfan87 Well its not like the critics are the only game experts. These days i rather watch youtubers doing reviews, read gamer written reviews and such and compare them with the game press. More often then not you notice that the professional reviewers just don't get it. Or are so hyped about a game they forget to look at the down sides. Cause if a silly story is a negative thing in a FPS, then can someone explain me why CoD keeps scoring so high, cause those stories hardly make sense at all even though they are generic as hell (and as stated, a shooter isn't even about the story, that isn't the main attraction. Just like you don't watch action movies for its deep story line).
Eurogamer with Mafia 2...it scored a 4 cause the reviewer demanded it to be a sandbox game ala GTA. Mafia 2 was a story driven game, it was linear but presented a open city. Should they had let you drive on linear roads too? So you can only drive one way in the entire city otherwise the game reviewer refuses to give you a good score?
Gamespot Transformers review, scoring low with a major flaw of the game being that everything is made of metal......ON A ROBOT PLANET.
And i can't get a job as professional game reviewer in my own country cause i didn't do the journalist school cause i didn't pass the test to get into that school.
I agree with what many other people say, this game should be compared to other handheld shooters, not with the big brothers on the consoles. Otherwise i will demand that Gamespot is gonna compare a shooter on the xbox with a shooter on the pc, cause that would lower the score of the console versions of popular shooters drastically (controllers respond much slower then a mouse, this is not pc elite talk, the console shooters need some help cause you can't turn around as fast as with a mouse). But seeing we don't do that (and really shouldn't either cause it are different game machines with its own strenghts and weakness) we shouldn't compare a VITA game with a PS3 game either just because both come from Sony. Compare it to shooters on the PSP and 3DS and base your judgement on that.
@hystavito Really? Hm, maybe should check that out, i miss the old Rainbow Six games and they never made a new SWAT anymore (but seeing what they done to Rainbow Six it might be for the best that there is no new SWAT game if it was also gonna be made for action players).
@Lord_Vader Well this game wasn't made for your type of gamers. This game aims for the Arma fans, fans who enjoy a realistic military game over a hollywood action shooter.
Does this make Arma better then the games you like? No, cause its aiming for a different crowd. If you come to Arma to expect a new action shooter to kill your time with till the new CoD of BF then you are at the wrong place. It doesn't aim for mainstream gamers, it aims for the fans of the series and doesn't alienate it crowd to chase the big money.
Lack of content? And you say that while loving CoD? Huh....How is it lacking content? Dev made content? Sure it lacks the campaign for now, but that will be available from next month on in free DLC. But Arma fans know its all about the community with Arma. It's always been about what the players made. They opened their game for the modders unlike CoD who wanted to make more money on Map packs and decided to close the mod support. Already there is more content for Arma 3 then the last 5 CoD games combined...all for free where in CoD you need to pay 15 dollars for a silly map pack....25% of the costs of the base game, so don't you go like saying it lacks content when you own preferred game is notorious for its lack on content so they can charge you tons of more money for map packs and a complete new game a year later who repeats with the DLC packs again.
Slow pace? Well like Colekern said, its a simulator. In RL soldiers don't run all the time either cause it tends to exaust them. And just like in RL there isn't some magical auto heal when you get shot so you want to plan your attacks. It's not your game, fine, it doesn't aim for you and i'm damn glad too as well cause we really don't need another CoD of BF game. Not saying those are bad, but for the public that plays those games they already got enough choice and we already had to see Rainbow six and other games turn from tactical and tense games into trigger happy action shooters just to please your kind of gamer.
@picho86 @dutchgamer83 That is not the point. . The point is the reaction of people here demanding someone being fired cause it did not get a 10 out of 10. Cause the reviewer said woman where put down in a sexist way. We can all agree that the reviewer didn't get the part that GTA never took itself hyper serious and always made fun out of sociaty. But come one, it scores a 9 out of 10, does this make the game much less fun? Do the many plus points she mentions any less valid? Does it affect the sales?
@coolbeans1 You make it sound as if this game was done a insane injustice. Its not like the game scored a 4 or 5 cause of how she thinks the woman are portrait-ed. Come on people we talk about a 9 here not a 4. Transformers got punished hard and the rage around that game was more justified. But a 9 out of 10..come one.
@picho86 @dutchgamer83 Hey those are not my words. Game haters use these rants as perfect examples why all of us are like that. And frankly I'm done being portrait-ed as a violent, death threatening high school gunner. People on the outside don't look at gamers as individuals when riots like these and the CoD riot happen. They judge us all as one big group.
dutchgamer83's comments