@mark_unix There where always expansion packs...i think you mean DLC map packs and Activision demanding that CoD was made so that the mod scene couldn't make FREE AMAZING maps anymore so they could sell generic boring maps for 15 dollars per map pack.
@Gelugon_baat So what you basicly say is that shooters should be reviewed by people who don't play shooters. That race games should be reviewed by people who don't play race games, etc? Cause that is what you are saying. A JRPG should be reviewed by someone who gets it. How else to give a fair judgement? JRPG's are made for JRPG fans. Its a genre within the RPG scene, you can't just judge them like a Western RPG cause its totally different and you don't judge other genres by letting people review it who don't get it.
@Gelugon_baat Its always a good idea to hear different opinions. Especially since many big sites tend to be mainstream focused and don't judge a game for what it is, but for how mainstream gamers will recieve it.
@DaRq_MiNoS @bledsoe45sbc @mjorh @rawkstar007 Metacritic isn't in any way representing the right scores. It can be easally manipulated. Its the worste thing that could happen to the game industry. People can review games with a 0 just to harm the game. Or give games 10's without that game being worth your money. Everyone can post their reviews there. You want a honest view on the scores? Just look at all kind of game sites and youtubers who review games. Listen to what they say, see if you can find any thing that is the same, like if the controls would be poor most would mention this. Scores are just numbers, they don't say a damn thing. Listen to what is said about the games and make your conclusion from that.
@rawkstar007 10 - doesn't excist, if a game gets this score the reviewer is either bribed or a zealous fanboy themselves.
8 - 9 day one purchase
6 - 7 good games, but depending on the price maybe better to wait for a price drop. Although there are exceptions, especially these days where people have a absurd view on scores and what is good and not.
5 - hard to tell, sometimes a good game gets this score because the reviewer didn't get the game at all. Buy/rent depending if you are familair with the game.
4 and lower garbage, don't bother....then again..depends on the reviewer in question. Better check the overall score this game gets from other reviewers as well. But in general not a great game.
@rawkstar007 @dutchgamer83 Lol and the fishes that swim away ;) I can see the review already "COD Ghost brings something new and inovating to the genre, never did we see fish swim away before. What could have been another generic millitairy shooter that charges to much money for its games even years after release (Modern Warfare 3 even with a steam 40% discount is still 40 euro's) has been saved by including the fish and dog...10 out of 10 for inovating the genre! What do you mean Amra 3 had fish and turtles? Well did they swim away? No? HA see CoD is more inovating!
@rawkstar007 I do agree tht this should be applied to CoD and Halo games too. Though i don't think Carolyn reviews those games. But Gamespot becomes a bit of a joke when their reviewers are not on a clear line. This isn't hear fault. Infact her score isn't that far off from other reviews about Batman it seems to score between the 6 and 7 overall. But if its the lack of inovation then this should count heavy on CoD too...after all that game appears every year and hasn't changed a bit. Even Ghost doesn't do anything new..hell they even rip off GHOST recon now with your team and being a group of soldiers. Next CoD should get a 6 if Gamespot wants to keep a face.
@mjorh 8 and 9 are bad? Really if you find those scores low then please stop playing games. GTA 5 was a great game but no 10 out of 10. And a 8 is great. But the problem with your generation of mainstream gamers is that everything under a 9 is bad these days. Its very anoying to see how your kind of people destroyed the rating system. In my days a 7 was a great score, but now kids cry and whine about a 9.
@Gelugon_baat @dutchgamer83 Like i said, i'm not gonna argue the score. But mentioning that it is a indie game would for many people mean they go into the review in another way. And maybe understand the score a bit better.
Why would you not forgive a studio some things because they have a lesser budget? I'm not talking about game breaking things like terrible controls and insanely boring gameplay. But if we look at Salvation Prophecy, this game was mostly made by one person. See what he managed to make, sure the start is boring, but so are so many rpg's who score good scores (Final Fantasy 11 anyone?). He won't have access to motion capture for his game, so his animations won't be as great as with many AAA games. He can't hire a Nolan North to do the voice acting cause that guy charges more money that it has cost to make this game. The game can still be bad don't get me wrong, its not like just because its a indie game that everything is forgiven. But at least mention these things in your reviews that it is a indie game. Then its up to the people to decide if they can forgive the shortcomings knowing the developer was resource-strapped, now they could think "just another crappy developer pooping out another crappy game who just wants to grab our money". Yet this game was made with passion by someone who just didn't had millions to spend on his game. This game is also out for quiet a while and still got worked on i believe (i saw it for sale a year ago). And this isn't like that horrible indie game Day one Garry's incident where the developer is a total jerk and doesn't care about his game or that War Z game that was clearly made to earn a quick bucks on Day-Z.
Again, you don't have to forgive everything. And its surely not for every gamer to over look some things. But there are many gamers who can forgive certain shortcomings when they know its a indie game made by only one or a small team with less resources.
Not gonna argue the score here. But maybe GS can mention when a game is a indie game? Cause this game is a indie game, offers a lot and isn't super expensive. I do think that should be mentioned. It could help people more in deciding if they wanna buy this game or not. Lots of things for example can be pointed to the fact it was only a small team making this game with a low budget so they had to make sacrifices. People tend to be a bit more forgiving if they know this and understanding that its not indie game and not a game made by a bigger studio with more money. Just seen it in indie reviews before that there is no mentioning of it being a indie game and getting punished on voice acting for example while that is one of the things indie studios often have to put sacrifices cause good voice actors are expensive.
dutchgamer83's comments