@overthemoon2030 It makes me more sad that a 9 appearantly isn't good anymore. Anything under a 8 was bad till the last of us. Suddenly that meant a 8 was bad. And today we reached the line that a 9 isn't good enough anymore. Guess from now on every game under a 10 is a bad bad game...gods they make so much crap these days.
I write you this later to thank you. Let me introduce myself first, I'm a gamer, i been gaming for about 25 years now. I come from a age before the internet, and amazingly, a time where a 9 meant the game was near perfect. In your eyes i'm probably a old man.
I want to thank you for your complainants, cause this game only got a 9 out of 10. Especially thankful that you make such a huge fuzz out of it that its not a 10 out of 10 cause she mentioned something about sexism. if you listened too the video review, as i understand you kids don't like to read anymore so they make video reviews, you hear its only a minor part and it becomes very clear she wanted the woman to be deeper in this game then they are portrait-ed. A stronger woman in the game, but even so that shouldn't ruin your enjoyment she said.
You probably wonder why i write you. Wonder "Hey Dutchgamer what is this about?" Well you see, its been a few weeks that i didn't need to defend the gamer in general anymore. Its been a few weeks already since that small riot about your generation of gamers sending death threats to the devs of CoD where you said you gonna kill them and their family cause o my god they changed the stats of a gun. There is nothing more i like to do then defend gamers, saying we are not aggressive, saying games are not behind the many school shoot outs in America, saying games don't make violent. Why am i thankfull? Cause after your insane reactions i now realize that i don't need to defend gamers anymore. See you feed the game haters so much that i can't fight it anymore. So i will no longer defend gamers, and that gives me much more peace. So thank you for being all so messed up in the head cause of the score.
PS. Could you please consider yourself something else then a gamer? Cause it gives many others a very bad name.
@USDevilDog Nah, its run by a manager who leaves ship when another company will be more profitable for him. He really doesn't care if Activision dies tomorow or not. He doesn't care that his course of action will mean many people are without jobs in a few years. When Activision will have a bad time and starts too lose money Boby Kotick will leave again to work for Coca Cola again (he still has a good position there) or another highly profitable company.
Even though i hate Activision, they have some nice IP's and some great Developers and it's a shame they don't get to do what they do best. Don't get the time to really shine and need to manage to reach a high profit rate to continue to excist.
@Ryuuken27 Or they could accept a lower profit. The last few years it gone out of hand with what they want as profit. That is the problem. Activision is run by someone who used to be a big shot in Coca Cola. A guy who came to the game industry cause that is the sector where most money is beign made. He demands a higher profit every year so he can please the investors. He doesn't give a damn about gamers, doesn't give a damn about games, only in the investors (you can read that even in a interview he did, forgot the link but saw it on eurogamer when Activision bought itself free from Vivendi, the only thing he said was how much more profit they would make for the investors).
Some great studios been closed down cause they didn't reach the profit goal this greedy publisher has set. Developers who been making games before these money grabbing managers entered the scene. Studios who made games out of passion, who shaped the game industry. Because they only sold 3 million copies of Blur for example. Then they where forced to make that hidious James Bond game that also didn't sell well, cause everyone knows by now that rushed movie games suck. So Activision closes them down. They do this all the time while they still made profit on those games. And profit is money you keep after all initial costs, money you have left after paying everyone their share, still millions of profit. CoD is a milkmachine for them that generates a absurd profit for them, they can take plenty of risks and settle for less profit. Make games again for core gamers instead of only for mainstream gamers. Release a Niche game every now and then to please the fans of those games too and accept a lower profit. Its still profit you make.
@DarckArchon @Rattlesnake_8 You don't have to have played Ghost yet to know its gonna be the same game you bought before in the series. Really they never changed a lot. They keep saying how amazing and inovative their new CoDs are and I'm still waiting to see what the new improved stuff is. Fish that swim away from you? A dog companion? Basicly stuff that been in games that came out 15 years ago or seen in plenty of games already.
@19James89 Activision isn't creative, the devs are. Problem is when ever there is a game that goes well Activision is making sure that all creativity is removed to sell as many versions as possible with minor adjustments so they can sell every year. It's what killed Guitar Hero, and its what killed CoD for me. I liked CoD till i found a new version every year that didn't change one bit.
I said specificly "MAINSTREAM KIDS" not said every gamer between 16 - 80 is a mainstream gamer and all 1 - 15 are dedicated gamers. The adding of age was to show that mainstream kids aren't kid kids but often older gamers who entered the game scene only a few years ago when it suddenly was the hot thing to do instead of a nerd thing. Gamers who don't want to work for a game anymore.
@mhaed Problem is games are not made for gamers anymore. Games are made for mainstream kids (age 16 - 80 ). God forbid a game doesn't tell you where to go anymore with a giant arrow pointing you towards a door, the only door in the small corridor right infront of your nose. Cause that is what a mainstream gamer needs...it needs the game to play it for you while you press a few buttons.
Its also what made Dragon Age 2 so crap. Dragon Age 2 was made for the mainstream gamer who complained like little babies about how hard DA: O was. Cause you had a lot of skills to choose from, many armors to wear and even had to equip your companions. OMG was that confusing for the poor lamestream gamer. What the hell was Bioware thinking when they allowed the warrior to dual wield swords...o no that confused the cr@p out of the mainstream gamer. So Dragon Age 2 had a very limited skill tree, very limited in what you could equip yourself with, cause yeah a warrior cannot dual wield swords! And no longer able to equip your companions cause yeah that made many brains explode. Also copying dungeons 1 on 1 so the lamestream gamer had a easyer time to navigate trough these "dungeons".
I love my old rpg's and Dragon Age was a little beacon of hope again that we would see old school RPG's again. That not every game had to be lamestream friendly. But sadly EA doesn't give a f*ck about the real gamers, lamestream gamers are the group to go to as they are a bigger group. All will be me ultra easy and you will get less and less to do in games cause it confuses "gamers". Even many of today's reviewers are like that. Punishing games for being confusing...then you get to play the game yourself and everything is pointed out, what do you mean confusing? Oooooh wait, yeah i see the problem. You see the door down the hall way was behind you, you had to turn your character around, but dev's didn't add that giant yellow arrow in the middle of the screen, instead they had a minimap showing the door but he couldn't figure out what direction his character was facing.
@AggrandizedUser A 4 from Tom Mc Shea would realistically be a 7 if you compare his score with others. He tends to give much lower scores then other reviewers and often when you read the reviews you can see the score was way to low cause he just wanted to grade it low to be that cool guy who gave it another score. Transformers remains a solid example how much that is true when the game got minor points for "The planet is made of metal, every where its metal the whole world is metal" gjee Sherlock would you think on a robot planet?
I haven't played the remade version of Ducktales so i can't judge yet, so i won't burn him down on this review. But yeah to say the real score would be lower cause he overrates games is not true. He underrates them.
dutchgamer83's comments