I'm very much looking forward to this now. I was incredibly skeptical after the botch that was MW3, but hopefully this title can give the CoD name grace again. I liked Black Ops. Sure it had campers, the AK-74 and FAMAS (The only real OP weapons), and ghost almost completely ruined MP, but the campaign was really good, and zombies was just plain great. The MP was also rather O.Kish and MILES above MW2. This game has a chance. I can proudly say I actually have hope AND expectations for CoD: BOII. MW3 had NO expectations from me, since from the beginning it looked, felt, and played EXACTLY the same as MW2, which had huge problems that weren't fixed, and in fact made WORSE when they did "fix" them in MW3.
The Gimmick of Black Ops is gone now. I also thought the title was called "Iron Wolf" which sounded much cooler. I might, underline MIGHT check it out, but a "near-future-setting" has been done to death now, and isn't as appealing as they think. MW3 was already borderline goofy with how futuristic it tried to act. I'm also aware that most of that technology exists, but it already felt like a Sci-Fi game to begin with, so how is BO2 supposed to be any different. Best case scenario, it tries something new, like BO did, but executed a lot better (Despite what people say about the MW series, WaW and BO actually tried new things). WORST case scenario, it's another MW game with a different name.
Also, to the people who wonder why the 360 is getting it earlier (Like most content) is probably because it's the payoff of the Subscription service. I know it's bulls**t, but it makes sense. Xbox owners pay FAR out the a** just to play online, more than any console or P.C, so I think it's more than a little fair for them to get some early access. I'm not a fanboy, and I do own an Xbox, but to everyone complaining and dogging on 360 owners for getting an early start, remember how much they have to pay already.
Glad I still kept my copy. A lot of my friends traded theirs in, which isn't bad, they're broke and trading games is their best source of currency to get newer games. Like everyone else, I hope it's shivering Isles levels of content. SI had over 30-40 hours of stuff to do (At least for me it did). Heck, I'd even take Knights of the Nine levels of content, which was very fun in it's own right, but the loot was just too OP. Although Mehrune's Razor and Horse Armor levels of content would just piss me off. If Bethesda is good at ANYTHING it's that they make hands down the BEST DLC of any company. Expectations are very high for me.
@Llama345 TNA is FAR worse... not that I even still watch wrestling. The only reason to watch any of it now a days is to see how laughably bad the acting and storylines are. It's comedic gold to watch a single show of RAW or Smackdown. You will never laugh so hard in your life. As for Jersey shore, there is actually a wrestling equivalent of that called "Wrestlicious". I've never watched it, but from what I've heard, it's actually worse.
I watched these videos... but i kinda guessed what all these things were ahead of time just by looking at the art on the thumbnail. Mecha George Washington with a machine gun (American "Mecha Hitler from Wolfenstein in other words), the big cyborg guy with a tiny head whom we all saw in the trailers and footage before hand, and the man walking around with a divers helmet on his head with big horns listening in on everything around him and opening his mouth to alert other enemies. the art ALONE told me everything. I guess that's the problem wit playing as many games as I have, you sort of know every possible type of enemy from the start.
Apparently getting wasted and tripping balls is a new feature in gaming. Hell if I wanted to see that I'd just light a bud right here, and play the game after a few shots of Vodka. On a more sober note, will this game give you much more mission variety than Farcry 2? Because that crap got tedious FAST. I want some racing, trafficking, exploring, stealth missions, rescue missions, buddy missions (Like in Mass Effect or Fallout: New Vegas), treasure hunting (And I don't mean finding a brief case under a damn rock), animal hunting, or even some optional bosses you have to work to kill.
@kozzy1234 Oh for the love of... SHUT UP... JUST SHUT UP! You sound ridiculous. People like you are what's missing the point and giving gamespot reasons to defend this crap. They have the ending, they've all but confirmed it. It's mentioned, it's hinted at, and they're lying to everyone by saying "they'll think about it". Notice that they haven't actually defended their decision on the ending and only sites like Gamespot and IGN are helping them out? That's because they're f***ing trolling us while setting the dollar price for the ending DLC. THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE! Fallout 3, Prince of Persia, Portal, and many other games have been altered through DLC to have true endings. STFU you, and stop comparing video games to other medias like an idiot. It's like if I said, "Oh you don't like that George Lucas made the star Wars prequels? Next you'll tell me people wont want a prequel to the Harry Potter novels!"
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