Dear Gamespot: You're opinion sucks... that is all. I DARED you to justify withheld content, and this crappy, heavily market influenced ending and you did not disappoint. My God, it is amazing how many comments call you people out on your idiocy... chances are I'm getting banned.
Dear Gamespot, There is a term used for the use of unnecessarily philosophical, or symbolic bulls*** that is used to either make the creator seem smart, or just pure laziness in writing. It's called being "Pretentious". The ending was pretentious, the "Space Jesus-Child" was pretentious, the resolve and goal of the Reapers was pretentious, and the whole CONCEPT of it's resolve was pretentious bulls***. It solved nothing, angered fans and people legitimately starting out, and I'm convinced this is all some ingenious plan by Bioware or EA to sell you more DLC, because there is no way in HELL they were stupid enough to think this was a good ending. It's Fallout 3 all over again, almost exactly. Broken Steel SAVED that game, and everything else about it was fine, and while I very much loved the DLC and the DLC came way later in the future, it was still 10$ for a decent ending. A few months from now, I can see the trailers of "The next chapter in the epic story of ME3" being announced. DLC will save the day again huh? Pffft. I'll buy it... No really, I'll buy it just to see the REAL ending, because I'm convinced this is going to happen. No game is simultaneously this smart and well written, and then suddenly this brain dead and artsy. There's no way.
Just in case people are complaining about paying for the any of the Comics for interesting back story... you really don't have to guys. Go to a library or a Barns and Noble and you can find pretty much every issue there that you can read FOR FREE, or you can just find scans online. It's not hard guys, and I honestly recommend them as a casual comic and big Mass Effect fan. They are a very interesting read, especially Mass Effect: Evolution which tells the story of Jack Harper, a.k.a the Illusive man, and find out some dark secrets about him and his hatred of aliens. Though I will admit, not everyone is a fan of the infamous "Talking husk, Ben" in the comics. No spoilers but it's cheesy to say the least.
@Yulaw2000 I'm pissed when people refer to Halo Combat Evolved as Halo 1. It's just a number, but seriously, Combat Evolved adds more depth and class to the title than "The first of something". If you want a true sequel to Halo: CE, just get the P.C version in my opinion. New vehicles, new weapons, new modes, and a community that still lasts to this day. I liked Halo 2 o.k, but in all honesty... it's pretty overrated. I didn't even like Halo 3, and don't even get me started on ODST. I liked Reach quite a bit, and Halo 4 looks pretty sexy, not gonna lie. 11 years, and 6 REAL titles (Not counting ODST), and yet people still consider it milked, while CoD has been around since 2003 (Less than a decade and I'm not including the expansion packs), and it's on it's 9th game. The same goes for battlefield (Which I like) being on it's 10th+ game. What is the milked franchise again?
@raikiry I haven't played it yet, nor do I want spoilers, but how bad is it? Are we talking Halo 2 levels of suck? If so, than damn. I expected much better from such a well loved and heavily story driven experienced.
This is why I love Double Fine, and I keep telling my friends and co-workers to help support them, but they're too busy spending 120$ on a new CoD title and it's "Elite service" than to bother giving a helping hand to TALENTED PEOPLE! This is why I love Double Fine AND Twisted Pixel. They have talented developers, and they CARE about their fan base and not about how much money they can get off of the mindless sheep who search for "trends" in gaming. (Today's trend: "EXPLOOOOOSSSIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! AND SHHOOOOOOOOOTTTTEEEHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! 'MERICA!!!!") Btw, I am an American, and I'm completely correct. Both the U.S and the U.K are full of sheep who worship Michael Bay inspired filth like CoD. And don't you DARE deny it England. Your number one subscribed game commentator (The Syndicate Project) brothels himself to CoD everyday, speaking how "amazing" and "revolutionary it is", and that it's (And I quote) "the best shooter ever made in gaming history". Yeah, you all go play your CoD, if you don't mind I'm going to play Brutal Legends. Demonic Tim Curry, you are MINE!
@why9090909090 Already beat you to it, as a Professor for my film class. :P BTW guys. For those who want a short version on Twilight (My students ask me ALL THE TIME). Underworld + MILK = Twilight. I love the movie MILK, but the only thing more homosexual (It's descriptive, not an insult) than it is Twilight. Stephenie Meyers sucks...
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