Right right. lol And all actors are equal. It is the director who makes an actor great, right? lol
If the manager was the shit, he/she would have been paid millions and more than KK, which is not the case. She is the one who choses who to hire and who surround herself with and these people work FOR HER. It's like the CEO of a company who has people under him/her who brings ideas or issues to him/her and he/she has the final word; the CEO delegates work to people under him but the buck stop at the CEO.
LOL It's sooo funny that some people believe she just "stands there and reaps the rewards". If that was the case, that hypothetical genius manager could have chosen anyone that looks good and pay that person far less than what KK gets paid and just pockets the millions himself. Some people are so clueless...
She doesn't need to make the game. If the programmers who made the game were more important, each of them would have been paid millions like she did, but they were not. If the people managing her career were more important than her, they would have been paid millions too. Not true either. She's smarter than all of them. She chose the right people to work FOR her. And she gets paid much more than any of them. Get it? Smart is not simply about being able to do stuff or about having a good idea; it is also about how to get people to work for you, to avoid being double-crossed, god knows there are plenty of sharks in environments where lots of money is involved.
Yeah, because to be smart, you have to be a programmer. Pffft.
Programmers may be smart and the people who came up with the whole idea too but guess what? She's even smarter because she got paid millions. I bet the programmers and the idea guy didn't get paid as much. She's smart because she orchestrated this whole image of her that the masses are interested in and are ready to pay money for stuff associated with her.
I will say this knowing full well that it is totally not PC: because the modern world is too forgiving. Centuries ago, stupid people die young. Now they do not; rather they live long enough to proliferate and be milked by smart people. This is just natural selection, or lack thereof, in this case. The bigger the mass, the less smart or skilled or healthy, on average, is that said mass. These people are not starving. So what do they do with their free time and money? Probably not reading a book or watching a documentary or learning a new skill, right? So they watch celebrities, become victim of marketing and slave of futile consumption. But here's the kicker: often, the ones who are having less success and appreciation, if not outright in difficulties, are the ones striving to do intellectually and artistically higher quality work. Just an example that comes to mind: games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne are incredibly well done but their sales numbers are minuscule compared to some blockbuster rinse-and-repeat games.
Blame the stupid masses but don't think for a minute KK is a fool. You need to be smart to play the game and stay relevant to the dumb masses and she did it very well and for a long time. Many celebrities lose everything during their career because they trust the wrong people, for instance. KK may be "skillless" but she is no fool, that's for sure.
Dude, I get it. It wasn't meant to be directed at you specifically, but as a overall societal observation. My hamster analogy may not be flattering but I really believe that is what is happening in our society.
There is so much distractions and demands aimed at an individual in an accelerating and complex world while a day remains 24 hours, there is no way that most of us can keep up. Something must give. Food, entertainement, just to name a few. Most people born today will never know what REALLY good food is! That's because the time and effort to grow or prepare the ingredients and the dish are not "worth" it to many people (even in restaurant). There is so many traditional food preparation techniques and dishes that are lost forever because there is no one to pass on the knowledge to. Similar with art and entertainment. Look at the videogames industry. While the industry as a whole as never been as big and profitable as today's, it's arguably in a pretty sad state. I feel lucky that we can still enjoy games like Bloodborne where the production quality is just amazing; the attention to details, the challenge, the depth, the unpredictability, level design, weapons design, monsters design, the lore, the graphics (the blood spatter algorithm is incredibly realistic; funny some reviewer mentionned the blood paintball-like spots in Rainbow Six Siege were well done. It's terrible.) etc. But it sold only 2M copies! I can't believe. It's the economics of the lowest common denominator: make something that appeals to the widest audience possible and thus make as much money as possible, at the risk of diluting the product and idea. The videogames industry turning to mobile market is perhaps another example, at a larger scale, that we are witnessing right now: trying to appeal to yet again a much wider audience -- the very casual "gamers". How long before the industry as a whole produces even less detailed, more shallow products? How many creators will still create for the honorable vocation of art and less for the profit?
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