@sebb: Well, yeah, if you manage your money like an idiot then $20 million might only last you 45 years, but if you know how to invest and save and not spend more then you need to (for example, buy a house instead of renting; much cheaper in the long run even with maintenance and utility expenses), then not only could you retire but you could leave a nice inheritance for your kids.
@Carpetfluff: Every time I put a disc in my video player and see the "Don't steal this movie" warning, I always think, "If I stole your movie then I wouldn't be sitting through this damn unskippable warning."
Johansson signed a contract that apparently overestimated her own value to theater goers. Surely that's her problem. After the movie flopped in theaters, Disney has every right to attempt to recoup its losses by putting it on Disney+.
And seriously, she has $20 million in the bank from this fiasco, so what is there to complain about? I wouldn't have to work another day in my if I had $20 million.
To be fair, the original Space Jam was essentially a two-hour commercial for the Loony Tunes and Michael Jordan brands, which isn't necessarily a bad thing because it was still a reasonably fun and entertaining movie. The reason this new one sucks is not because it's a Warner Bros. commercial but because they eschewed traditional hand-drawn 2D animation in favor of trendy computer generated visuals, and the fact that LeBron James, unlike Jordan, is a thoroughly unlikeable human being.
@Carpetfluff: I had all four of my Joy Cons repaired last year, and they've been working great, so maybe Nintendo finally solved this problem?
My comment from 5 months ago. 5 months later, both of my left Joy Cons have developed a problem, one with a stick that doesn't reliably fully deflect, and the other with a shoulder button that doesn't always actuate. Looks like it's time to send them off for repairs. Again. *sigh*
I love the Switch in general, but it really irks me how apparently fragile the Joy Cons are.
@thecupidstunts: He's saying that PC games designed for a 20" monitor and larger are going to look like trash on a 7" screen. Text, icons, and interface elements are going to be tiny.
@winny4u: The Steam Deck is a mini-PC, so you can install any operating system on it you want, including trash like Windows, if that's what you really want to do.
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