@AdderD Am not saying you shouldn't buy it just don't get all Battlefield is awful about it when everyone knows that the BF franchise is one of the best FPS series of all time.
I think someone is going to get moderated for trolling :D Anyway, I honestly think that MW3 will get higher sales and will be overrated like the previous COD games. However I think that BF3 will be more popular than its predecessors.
@Export Sniping on Call of Duty is awful, you are using powerful scoped to kill someone less than a 100 meters away. whats the point, you might as well, use a pistol at that range.
The only bad thing now about Battlefield 3 is that they are not going to add the Commander Class, like in BF 2 and 2142. I can look past that though, but it would have been nice, I loved playing as Commander on 2142, it was great fun, chilling in the Titan while I am looking down on my troops.
@Export I have Black Ops and I play Demolition because it reminds of Battlefield and Search and destroy cos it reminds me of Counter Strike, even though I still play CS:S on Steam now.
@MKutlu97 It depends what you like. If you like smaller maps with customizable weps and very fast paced with little or no realism and Killstreak rewards, then Call of Duty. If you want large maps with a large amount of realism, a destruction engine that rivals Red Faction, and lots of teamwork then you want Battlefield 3
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