@Export The team deathmatch in Battlefield 3 is not needed IMO, I don't plan on ever playing that game mode, I only play Conquest and Rush. They need to have a similar game mode to TItan from 2142, but the Titans are battleships in the water.
@jeffbordonaro I am getting Battlefield 3 and Skyrim lol. The reason I am not getting Modern warfare 3 is that I have Black Ops and have found that with call of duty they seem to have very little change in between games. So I will probably only buy the call of duty after MW3 if there is one.
@nrdys what the hell do you mean Bad acting on the first 2 battlefields ? When you say acting are you talking about the cut scenes and what not, or what ? Because most of the battlefield franchise is pretty much Multiplayer Only up until Bad company which is not much like the older battlefields, because I still play 2142.
@nrdys I was referring to more original shooters, your just listing the ones you have on your xbox 360. What about shooters like Counter Strike, Red Orchestra, Battlefield 1 + 2, from what you have said so far you have not really played many shooters, well many of the goods ones anyway.
@nrdys You ever played red orchestra for the pc ? Nope thought not well that is one shot one kill if you shoot someone in the upper body or the head, and frankly there are loads of people that love that game. However due to you being a gamer that has never seen a pc game in their life. You have not really played many games, it seems that Call of Duty is all you know.
@nrdys Your logic is not very good I am afraid. The call of duty series is popular because it is easy to play for all the little noobs that are around these days. Battlefield 3 is going to be more like Battlefield 2 and not Bad company. No time or effort is put into making the Call of duty series actually good, and have you even played the first few ones before you start talking about how good a series is. They have made call of duty so that players come back to it because of all the achievements and challenges you have to compete not because the game is actually any good with their tiny maps where proper sniping becomes obsolete because an assault rifle can reach across a map.
To people saying that their is no difference, there is a clear difference in the lighting and the lack of anti-aliasing is very noticeable for me anyway. I have RDR for the ps3 and the lack of AA on that is quite irritating but it doesn't cause much bother.
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