When I get to play bloodborne, mgs5, Witcher 3, arkham knight I'll let you know. Those look next gen enough so far. But first I have to jump to 8th gen. Can't wait until E3, I think the hd twins will drop a lot of big unannounced surprises to look forward to for the nest few years. Most of the epic games last e3 are releasing this year, so I expect megaton drops one after the other this year's e3.
Edo-Tensei_'s forum posts
Smart devices are a double edged sword. They give us convenience and entertainment and on the other side they exposure people to hackers and our cousins from the NSA and Uncle Sam. But no one cares enough for their privacy including me. The convenience of modern tech and instant access to information anywhere is very powerful and enticing.
That's true. Children are always innocent of any mistakes of the parents. However it's silly when a religious person has a hard time understanding why a woman who was raped would reject her child after all the psychological implications that come along with it by just strictly reading the words of the bible.
What a shameful thing to happen. Usually defend police against the mobs but this case is clearly first degree murder. What a coward.
@LJS9502_basic: I understand that. However companies try to use digital formats to do shady monopoly tactics that give consumers a hard time just because they have more control of digital goods. They try to make consumers spend more money for things they already own, this has been happening ever since digital media became a thing. Have you not seen companies trying to redefine what ownership means with digital media using different forms of DRM to limit ownership? I'm sure you have experienced this one way or another. If I have a cd collection or a vynel collection I know a divise will be made for me to be able to play those formats. Why can't digital companies try to accommodate loyal consumers in a fair way too?
It's illegal for sure. However the problem with owning digital media is the fact that companies don't seem to want consumers to own anything anyway and trying to stablish culturally that if people spend money on digital products music, movies, games etc they have to abide by all rules imposed by contact creators. For example if you own a large music collection and you are at the limit of devices allowed for use, you are then unable to keep enjoying your collection in any new device unless you more or less buy the music again. Does that seem fair? And what about games? Game companies like the 3 console manufactures want you to stop pirating games but when your old consoles die, they try their best to make it impossible for the gamers to enjoy their old games collection. Hardware manufactures don't even offer any alternative to play old media unless you buy your old games again in the new hardware always trying to make you spend more money for the media you already own.
This just hype from gametrailers staff all of willing have massive nintendo bones and would say something like this. I haven't seen anything to be excited for yet, will wait for reviews
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