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The Midway List Of Games I Beat In 2009

As the summer is coming to a end I soubt I'll really beat any games in the school year (trust me I get really busy) SO I decided to make a list of games I beat this year and the scores I gave them:

Call Of Duty 2- 9.5/10 I really like this game alot ad it was just straight up fun. The multiplayer was lacking though

Spiderman (N64)- 8/10 Great game, though it was on the short side.

Superman 64- 0/10 Don't EVER play this game

Goldeneye 007- 9.5/10 I really enjoyed this shooter, but I didn't have a friend to come play with me

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue- 3.5/10 Short, easy, repepitive, boring.

Viewtiful Joe 2- 8.5/10 This game was pretty hard and often cheap, but it's fun nonetheless

Rock Band 2- 9/10 This game is just excellent. After Guitar Hero: World Tour I gave up on music games, but this game proved me wrong.

Half-Life: Blue Shift- It was fun, but way too short. Though I bough it for only 10 dollars on Steam bundled with Half Life and Half Life: Opposing Force

Punch-Out!!- 9/10 r. Dream was hard, but not impossible. He's sort of a wimp after you get used to him

Games I'll probably beat by this year:

Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil- I just need the patience to beat this.

Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Perfect Dark- I'll proably beat it by next week

Jet Force Gemini- maybe......

Games I'll buy this year:

Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (PC) in December, or whenever I have a chance to play it

I am Turok! (Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil First Impressions)

Recently my N64 Save Pack and Expansion Pack came, so I sat down and started playing Turok 2. Here are my thoughts on the game. The first thing I noticed was the great graphics this game sported. I can say this is one of the best looking games the N64 has to offer. Another thing I noticed was the different control scheme. Instead of using the anolog stick for movement the C buttons act as the directional buttons, while the anolog stick is used to aim, sort of like how the FPSs are these days.

One other thing is that this game isn't SCARY, it's SURPRISING, meaning that when you are in the dark, there is most likely a dinosaur is waiting to pounce on you, or a dinosaur human, or something like that. The most challenging enemies that I keep fighting are the raptors, only because they are so fast and when they attack you it caused me to jump, due to the fact that they are so quiet and they attack really fast. One issue I have with this game is the weapin changing. They way you do it is by holding the B button and moving the anolog stick to your weapon of choice. That's all fine and dandy except when you are beig attacked by those tiny dinosaurs the pistol and arrows are practically useless, so you have to take out the tallons. So while you're struggling to chang your weapon, you keep losing health which is real frustrating. ANother thing that annoys me is how there are limited save points. It's just stupid on how it takes me more than an hour to find the first save point. And my final comlaint is how dark some areas are, I mean whoever came up with putting dark levels in a game should be slapped in the face.

Overall this game is good, though it is a really hard game (seriously for newcomers, select the easy mode, it's still hard).

First Impression Score: 8.5

UPDATE!: Never mind! Turok 2 is a very frustrating game. I've played it for about 1 and a half hours tosay, I really didn't have much to do anyway. But this game just annoys me on how you can get lost so easily. I kinda wish they just made it an objective free FPS, or is they had objectives, make it like Goldeneye where they come as you go along. And some areas require you to jump onto ladders, which is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It's like the devlopers put this for giggles and annoy you. I know that Turok 2 is an FPS aty heart, but it's an adventure game, which really frustrates me. If they just sticked to the enemies and didn't make you do all these stupid objectives, I would have given it a higher score. I also really hat it when you get lost with these stupid portals. What the heck? And with nbo enemies around it jst gets long and boring to play through this. I swear there was a time where I just wanted to save so I could quit but a save point was half way across the map and it would take forever to get there. And to confirm that this game is very long and frustrating, I'm still on the first level. I had high expectations after I saw this game get a 9, but I was wrong.

Revised Score: 7.0

If you can't getr the image of me trying to find a save point, here is something to help:

Frustrations In Gaming

Just a short film I made in my spare time. Enjoy! (or not :P) Also my room was a little messy because I was rewiring some stuff for my N64. And that pillow on that chair was where I was aiming when I threw Superman 64.


Goldeneye 007 First Impressions (Hint: I really like it)

I'll keep this short. This is probably one of the best games I have EVER played. I was going to be a bit biased towards it, because of its age, but its just unnecessary considering how solid the game feels for a FPS released in the 90's on a console. This game is incredibel and my one problem is why I never picked it up earlier. That was the best $10 I spent.

First Impression Score: 9.0

The other games I got are also great, though I haven't started Turok 2 and Rayman 2 yet. My primary game to beat right now is Goldeneye and later Jet Force Gemini. I probably won't be able to beat all of them so Rayman 2 is for Winter and Turok 2 for wenever I feel like it.

Update: One thing I forgot to say was that I'll get back to my long bogs, but my problem is that my blog posts have been deleted by accident so I need to get back to typing!

Fast/Slow Summer

You know where you feel where summer is going by super fast but at the sam time real slow? Kind what I'm feeling with my N64 games, just waiting. It feels like forever, but I'm sure the games and save pack are coming tomorrow. The ram expander is coming in a few days, but luckily the games don't require it to play. However it's been helping me do spend time doing my other hobbies, play the guitar (Les Paul 100 Epiphone with a Marshall MG-15 amp), garden, and ride my bike. I have a picture of my gardening skills right here:

wow, I'm awesome

On another gaming note, I've been playing Rock Band 2 again, but on the drums on hard. It's a whole lot better than the Guitar Hero drums. And Activision was wrong, Hot For Teacher is not "extremely hard". Back in November I beat it after a few tries. Rock Band drums are way harder (curse you The Trooper!!!!!!!!!!!) My favorite drum song in the game is Alive by Pearl Jam. It's just a incredible song and the guitar solo in the end is amazing. Definately the gretest setlist on a music game I played. It just needs to release Appetite For Destruction By Guns N' Roses and The Jimi Hendrix Albums (the ones where he was alive)

I've also downloaded some games a little while back. I got Super Mario RPG and on Rock Band I got Don't Stop Believing by Journey and The Trooper by Iron Maiden. Both are great but The Trooper is just pure fun on all instruments.

Buying Some N64 Games

Recently I have been on eBay trying to buy some stuff for my N64 an dhere is the stuff I am buying.

Turok 2: Seeds Of Evill- $2.99

NFL Blitz 2000- $3.99

Goldeneye 007- $11.99

Jet Force Gemini- $4.99

Rayman 2- $5.99

N64 Save Pack- $5.50 (Never mind, $8.50 now) (Nope, got outbidded by $15 so I gave up and bought another for $9.99)

N64 Ram Expander (or whatever they're called)- $12.50 (I was gonna get it for $0.99, but someone had to keep raising their bid, thanks alot dude)

UPDATE: 5 days till the games all come, i'm super stoked. Though I will be using cheats for Turok 2, because I heard the game was very hard. :P

Blogs On Delay, Sorry

After the reccent Michael Jackson death I am going to put my oncoming blogs on delay, but here is what you should expect in the coming week:

*My Nintendo 64 came back, so I'm going to finally be able to take a picture of my gaming collection

*Ehsan Rants! (Part 2) is coming up and I will rant about how I hate poorly implemented motion controlls on the Wii

*The History Of Simulation Of Video Games (Part 2) is also coming

*I'm remaking one of my older blogs, because I found that it can be significantly updated due to the differnt periods of writing, The New Is Getting Old

So that's all I'm bringing in the coming week, so be prepared!