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The Orange Box

is complete! I just beat Portal. A very good package and I definately recommend this package for any shooter fan, but anyone will find something fun to play in this box.

Final Scores:

Half Life 2- 9.5

Half Life 2 Episode 1- 8.5

Half Life 2 Episode 2- 9

Team Fortress 2- 8.5

Portal- 9

Overall- 9.5

Nintendo E3 Impressions

What I thought about the Nintendo E3 was that it was pretty good. I was impressed what was stored for the Wii. One thing I saw coming though was a sequel for Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort. I thought the new cootrol scheme was innovative, (I was really impressed with the sword duel and jetski), though I hope that Nintendo adds a lasting factor to the game, such as a singl player mode. We all know that when we first played Wii Sports it was a whole lot fun, but after a while the game got boring and repetative. The price I'll pay for the game is $30 at the most, bundled with the new Wiimote attachment. The next game that got my eyes was Wii Music. I have to say it looks pretty cool, especially when the people at Nintendo started playing the Super Mario Bros. Theme. I mean if you can actually create you own songs that would be awesome. Another well done feature was the drums. They really felt like a real set of drums, using the Wii Nunchuck and the Wii balance board. The price I would pay the for the game would be $40. The one problem Ihad with the Nintendo conference was that Nintendo was trying to wow us way too hard to impress us with the whole innovaation thing. Come on Nintendo, I mean that was done 2 years ago, now just show us the software. I was also dissapointed they didn't really show any new Nintendo developed games that didn't have the word "Wii" slapped on it. I also wanted to see a new Zelda game, that isn't a port of the Gamecube. It was sort of weird that Rockstar was releasing a GTA game on the DS. Why not the Wii? Oh, whatever. My final words are that Nintendo is doing pretty good job rounding up more big nams in the third party industry. If they keep on releasing good games form the third party, and also releasing good Nintendo produced games, there is a big chance they will go back to the former glory days. List of Games Looking Out for: Wii Sports Resort Wii Music Animal Crossing Wii

My Reign of Terror Against Mr. Dream Has Been Put on Hold To Play....

Super Metroid!!!!

But first Punch Out!!-

All I can say is Mr. Dream is the hardest boss.... ever. He is ex....tremely hard to beat. I can only manage to get to round 2 without getting knocked out, but I can't knock him out. If you guys have any tips on beating him, please, you're welcome to leave a comment.

Now to Super Metroid

Greatest Metroid Ever....

All I can say is that I've been blown away by the excellence of this game. Never has there been a 2D game that has given you a sense of excitement and adventure, while giving you tons to explore. The controls feel great, letting me give Samus full control to shoot at any angle. Now I know why Metroid fans were disappointed at Metroid Prime. It's because of how great this game was. I just beat Kraid last night and now I got the speedy shoes or whatever. Anybody who is interested in side scrolling adventure games and has access to Virtual Console, should definitely check out Super Metroid. It's definitely a game you don't want to miss.

First Impression Score: 9.0

Ages In Gaming

Superman 64 was a great game when I was a kid.

You guys are probably thinking, "What?! But Ehsan, that game is horrible!"

I know. I know. Now let me get to the point.

Well 2 years ago I saw a copy of Superman 64 I had back when I was a kid. I started to play it and I couldn't get past the second level because I thought it was horrible, that wasn't that way when I was 7. As you all know Superman 64 was the worst excuse for a video game ever created, for horrible graphics, camera, and gameplay. I did not judge the game by any of those aspects. My only judging techniques were "fun", or "not fun". One thing I was always armed with when I was a kid was imagination. I didn't play the game just by going from level to level. I blended in other things like pretending I was a dolphin by swimming in and out of the water and other things I found fun (easy mode doesn't require you to go through rings in an amount of time). You see when I played a game I didn't say the things after a game like the story was lacking, bad graphics, or bad presentation. It was because as I grew up I began to develop more thoughts in gaming. It's kind of like this:

Toddler-8: Enjoys playing game because they think it's fun, no sense of critique (for the most part)

8-11: Begins to focus on different aspects in gaming and starts new types of game such as puzzle, action, or RPG. (Pokemon, Guitar Hero, exc.) Also developing a sense of critique noting details about games.

11-13: Now begins playing games focusing harder aspects in gaming such as playing Zelda, Medal of Honor, Final Fantasy, or Metroid, and others. Sense of critique grows higher.

14-Adult: Now starts to play mature games like Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, and also focuses on making achievements like beating Through The Fire And Flames on Expert level.

When I was a kid I started playing games like Star Wars Episode One: Racer, Power Ranger, and Mario Kart 64. When I was 10 I started to play harder games that require me to use my brain like Paper Mario for the Nintendo Gamecube. When I was 12 I started to play generally harder games than Metroid Prime and focused on harder games. Last year I bought Resident Evil 4 for the Wii (calling the original the scary game, along with Mortal Kombat, when I was a kid) I found a taste for game like those and Halo, and also starting to like strategy games like Command and Conquer. I also appreciated the Zelda series (The reason I ddn't own Ocarina as a kid was because I was only 5 when it came out and I got an N64 when I was 6), and find the different aspects of gaming and not get drawn to the crappy games just cause they have Spiderman (also Superman) slapped on the cover.

Now as I look back seeing I was a Gaming Padawan that eventually became a good player (I'm not hardcore, I play like less than 30 minutes a day). Gaming has it's steps to when you start at easy and generally progress to harder and better games. So that's the reason I still haven't blew up, set on fire, or torture my copy of Superman 64. Because it put a smile on my face to remember the old memories of my gaming.

Playing Super Mario Sunshine

I borrowed Super Mario Sunshine from my friend, considering I enjoy Mario games, and my first impressions were not so good. Controlling Mario is just the way you did it in 64, but he lost all his boxing skills, and replaced them with FLUDD. FLUDD is a little water launcher thing that helps you clean up the gooey mess the imposter "Mario" made by well, squirting water. You can also do a few other things as well such as being a water jetpack, launch you in the sky, and make you go fast. The FLUDD is fun to play with at first but after a while it seems as if Nintendo is just using it as a gimmick.

Another thing that got me disappointed was Yoshi. I enjoyed Yoshi back in Super Mario World, but in this game he's just not as fun as he used to be. There really isn't a lot of thing to do with Yoshi, and spitting juice is not such a fun thing either. It would have been nice it different kinds of food would give him different abilities. How about eating a pepper and being able to spit fire? Or a banana giving you wings? Come on Nintendo show some creativity!

The worst part about Super Mario Sunshine is the horrible camera. You constantly have to hand on the C Stick and turn the badly positioned camera. Super Mario 64 had a great camera and it was released years ago. It's annoying trying to do the simplest puzzles in the game, but the camera slows you down incredibly, making some small obstacles last more than 15 minutes.

Mario has had some great games. His best parts in the game are overshadowed by bigger faults. I'm truly disappointed at Nintendo, because all they had to do in this game was borrow the best elements in 64 and add it in this game, but instead they added things that never were a problem, such as a bad camera and messing up a game that was supposed to be this good.

First Impression Score: 6.5

UPDATE: The game is now surprisingly holding up better and now I have to rely more on the FLUDD. The only huge problems I had with the camera was at that theme park area. But I'm almost done.

Second Impression Score: 8.5

A New Future With a New Console

I'm thinking of getting a new console sometime this September. But the question is what console am I going to get. And just for you guys to know, I'm not getting a PS3, the decision is between an Xbox 360 or a Wii.The decision is hard since both consoles seem like a good idea. The benefits I'm going to get from a 360 is that some of my favorite series are available only for the 360 or PS3, not the Wii, like Virtua Fighter 5, Forza 2, Halo 3, Assasin's Creed and alot more. But the benifits for the Wii are not limited, such as getting exercise while gaming at the same time, playing favorites like Super Mario Galaxy Super Smash Bros. Brawl and some great Virtual Console titles. Well I hope I don't mess up, like when I did with the Gamecube.:(

Good Things and Bad Things From Sony

In the new recently Sony announced to decrease the 60 GB model down to $500, which was very good news. However Sony then announced that the $500 PS3 is going to be out of production, due to the fact they were going to ditch that model in order to sell the 80 GB model for $600, back to where we were a month ago, except with more memory. What I find odd is, that there is no reason for Sony to stop makin that 60 GB model, but still sell the 80 GB model, in fact if Sony did that it would help raise their profits for the PS3, because I find no reason for myself go spend $600 on a console, (the same ammont for 1 Wii and 7 games), but be left broke with no money left to but the game itself. I want to hear your opinion. Did Sony make a good choice to sell the 80 GB model, but lose the 60 GB model?

A Few Slaps From Sony and Microsoft

Sony has been having some trouble selling their next-gen consoles due to the high prices and bad lineup of games. So they decided that they can ix it all at E3. Right? Well sort of. After the terrible sales for the PS3 Sony decided that they should drop the price down $100 AND comes with Motostorm. For the people who wouldn't pay $600 for a PS3 had a blessing. For the people who bought the console when it came out, lets just say they felt like they got a slap in the face. Now we go to the PSP. The PSP got their butts handed over by the Nintendo DS for the low handheld sales, due to the high price of the PSP and the fact that the PSP can get damaged easier. To fix the problem by releasin a slimmer and lighter PSP that has an output to connect to your TV. Plus the new PSP comes with newer colors and comes with a free game or movie. And to wrap it all up it costs $200, $50 less than what the original one costed when the first one came out. For the people who waited for the for a lower price got a blessing. For the people who bought a the handheld when it first came out, lets just say they felt like they got another slap in the face. Now we go to Microsoft. Microsoft is going to release one of the most anticipated games of all time, Halo 3. To celebrate that they are going to release a new X-BOX 360 that is green (which in my opinion has a terrible design.) But they decided not to include Halo 3 with the bundle, because they know that they can make more money if the game is sold seperately. But the real question is, "What's the point to sell a game based console without the game?", I mean people will only buy the green 360 if it comes with Halo 3 not just because it's green. Besides Microsoft is going to make some serious cash from the Halo fanatics who are buying the Legendary Edition.So this time it's a slap in the face for all of us, since we are not going to get Halo 3 because we bought a green 360. S in my conclusion for Sony, don't make drastic changes for your console if you already made a mistake. Just wait for some time to pass and then make a change so the early buyers won't feel ripped off, but also make the changes for your console beforew you release it, not afteryou release it. And also for the PSP, make an expansion for it, don't release a totally different console so that the PSP owners won't feel left out on the way you are treating your PSP. And finally for Microsoft, don't release a Halo 3 based console without Halo 3. And change the design for the console, cause dude, it's ugly.