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ehsan8888 Blog

The King Is Dead

Music has always been a huge poart of my life, and one of my first memories of music was when I was a child and was introduced to Michael Jackson and he was always an idol of mine. Some years later he has been through legal issues, that I am not willing to address what it was. My point is that after some years these legal batlles have made me less of a Jackson fan and I stopped listening to his music. After some time though I have remembered the great music he has made and remembered this man through his music he has made. Even after all the ridicule Jackson has faced over the years, he will always remain an icon. For generations children and adults will remember his golden years and we'll never forget his contributions he made to music. I myself will remember and enjoy his music for the years to come. Here is the link to my favorite Michael Jackson song, which will be played for the rest of the day in his honor. Thank you Mr. Jackson, your music will not be forgotten

Rest In Peace Mr. Jackson

I am off to do the impossible....... Beat Superman 64 Updated

I'd never thought I would do this, but I'm really going to try to beat this monstrosity......

Oh wait wrong picture

truely horrifying

It's okay kitty, it makes us all scared.

Feel free to leave a comment.

Update!: I beat this atrocious mess. I'll tell you I'm wondering why this game wasn't in a landfill. SUre I used cheat codes, but it was literally unplayable. It felt like Superman was getting a kroptonite filled slap in the face repeatedly! Do not play this game, do not look at this game, do not acknowledge its existence.

First Impression Score: 0.0

Final Impression Scre: You touch this game, I will literally come to your house and slap you and go to your shower and cry for hours.

Viewtiful Joe 2 Complete and Endless Setlist 2 Coming Up and New Rants Coming

So about a few hours ago I beat Viewtiful Joe 2 and I thought it was pretty good. However some parts were extremely frustratng and just plain unfair. I also felt that the last chapter had way too may bosses and enemies and by the time I made it to the last boss, I laughed on how easy he was. One good thing about the game over the predecessor was that this time you can save in between different boos fights, where the original you has to fight all of them in a row. Overall I really liked the game. The dialog, presentation, style, and gameplay was well worth the puzzles and frustration.

First Impression Score: 9.0

Final Impression Score: 8.5

Also I am also almost finished with Rock Band 2. I just need to do the Rolling Stone playlist and I get to do the Endless Setlist, which I'm going to try to spread into 2 days because I really can't play games for more than 1 to two hours a day, so it can be a tough challlenge for me. Heck lately I have not even playing games. I got Viewtiful Joe 2 back in May and it wasn't a really long game. So tomorrow my mind is set on that Endless Setlist. One thing I am going to do though is play on normal because there are some songs Ihave difficulties playing on hard (Visions, Painkiller,Etc.) and some I just can't five star Battery) I'm just trying to 5 Star all the songs, so it has to be played on normal. I can generally play through most of the Career mode on Expert and 5 Star 90 percent of the songs on Hard, but I really don't want to 4 Star any songs and have to restart.

One final note, I'm just wondering if you guys out there are enjoying my new Blog called "Ehsan Rants!" Give me your imput and I'm hoping I can get more ideas on this new blog. Also if you guys want to give me any ideas on some rants send me a PM and give me a topic. It can be on vidoe games, books, movie, andy form of entertainment and I'll spotlight you and give the reason of the rant. One thing is that I have to agree on the idea, because there might be some things that I can;t really relate to. And you can sent as many rants as you want, so don't worry I won't be annoyed. Have a nice day/night! :)

Ehsan Rants! (Part 1)

Recently there have been things in the world of entertainment that have been boiling my blood. I am starting a new section of my blog called "Ehsan Rants" and just basically aargue on what angers me. So now I kept this introduction short and sweet and start this blog.

Part 1: Music Games

You all must kinow what a music game is by now and you all know that it as caused a new generation of fanboys who simply love these games. I was one for sometime, when they had 2 games to choose from Guitar Hero III and Rock Band. I simply chose Guitar Hero III and the peripheral that comes with it for $80, and played it for a little over a year and got my money's worth. The end. Then came a game called Rock Band and peopel went crazy over it. I decided to skip it, guessing that Activision would release a Band Specific game and make it jus like Rock Band. So I waited and then came out Guitar Hero: World Tour and paid a high $180, (I didn't buy another game for a long time). I was extremely excited and loved every minute of it... for about a month or so and I discovered, "This game is bland!" So I just sat there and played my other games untill Rock Band 2 came out for the Wii. I was somewhat excited by the game but decided to not buy it untill I got it as a Christmas present from a friend.

So I started to play and I really enjoyed it, but my main ripe is that when you buy an accessory game it is hard going cross game with another accessory, expecially when playing Rock Band with Guitar Hero drums! And then the developer comes and is all, "Oh we're making a new game and it is going to be incredible and you have to see the accessory too! But this costs $200!" Then you're all, "But I paid $150 for an accessory you made a year ago!" Then they're all, "Oh, well I guess it's you'r own darn fault! Now makes me a sandwich and buy our games!!!!" What I really hate about the newer Guitar Hero games is that they show off newer accessories making your older accessories look like a bunch of garbage. What I liked about the Rock Band accessories was that the changes they made were subtle and weren't a huge step forward making the ones who bought the earlier moder ripped off. The same is for Guitar Hero when it was developed by Harmonix. The difference between the SG from Guitar Hero and Guitar Hero II is that there was a color change and that's all. But when Activision decides to go all Scrooge McDuck on us, they make a new Guitar Hero game every 5 seconds and says the pricepoint is at $200 and announce another Guitar Hero 2 seconds later. I also think that a Guitar Hero game should not be the same price as a new Xbox 360, because it's just n accessory and we shouldn't pay that much for it. So please Activion, give Guitar Hero a break and actually make a Guitar Hero in developement for about 2 years or so, so people can fondly remeber the good days of this series. And stop making Guitar Hero shirts, because I am sick of seeing Guitar Hero in other forms of entertainment besides gaming, no TV shows, or shirts, or boxers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No comment on how stupid this looks

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment. Oh and there about 18 Guitar Hero games that are released or are going to be released, just take a look at this.

Super Mario RPG Is A Great Game

I've recently went online on the Wii Shop Channel and downloaded Super Mario RPG for $8. All I have to say about this game is that it is pure fun. Normally I'm not really an RPG fan, (with the exception of Pokemon and that Charles Barkley game), but I am really enjoying this game. The battle system in the game is like any old RPG you would play, but the sheer amount of depth and variety make this game feel genuinely different. I really recommend this game to anybody who enjoys RPGs or just likes to have fun.

First Impression Score: 9.0

Sorry this blog was on the short side, I'll try to finish up part 2 of the history of simulatios of video games blog. And if you didn't read part one, here.

The History Of Simulations Of Video Games (Part 1)

"Hey dad guess what? They're making a new video game called Tony Hawk's Ride and I want to get it, cause you can get this cool skateboard controller and actually pretend to ride a skateboard. Can I have it?" "Gosh son, can't you learn how to ride a real skateboard instead of have a simulation? You won't get any experience from it." "But dad. Skateboarding will take forever to learn! But with this game I can learn in a heartbeat!" "I'll think about it son."

Who needs a skateboard when you have video games?

What you have just experienced was a child talking to his father about buying this soon to be released game, "Tony Hawk's Ride" It is said to simulate an actual skateboard and make a player have a great experience without the troubles of a skateboard. This is one thing I liked to call a "simulation". The definition of this is the imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviors of a selected physical or abstract system. What I am today going to present is the history of simulation of video games and their impacts. However this blog is going to be more peripheral based, because it would then become too complicated. Let us begin.

"Don't be laughing at me dog!!!!!!!!!"

Now we jump forward to embark a piece of equipment called the gun. It was used for simulating the use of a gun. In most games using this peripheral you have a target to shoot at and you aim at the screen to eliminate the target. The first game to use this equipment was in 1936 with a game named Seeburg Ray-O-Lite where you would shoot a flying duck with your light gun and cause it to drop. This is what was said to be the starting point of the simulation of technology. However the most popular light gun game came later in Japan in 1984, which was called Duck Hunt. It came with the peripheral called the Zapper and the objective of the game was once again to shoot out the ducks in the air. You were also accompanied by a dog that congratulates you if you shoot down the ducks or simply mocks you and leave you angry. The game was also released in the arcade as the PlayChoice- 10 arcade consoles. In the later years the light gun genre became popular in the arcades and made many popular series such as The House Of The Dead, Time Crisis, and Virtua Cop. However since the fall of the arcade, the Wii has homed many light gun games using a peripheral called the Zapper, which places the Wii-mote and Nunchuck inside the peripheral and simulates a gun.

Oh, I'll shoot you again.... I'll shoot you again....

I love the Power Glove. It's so bad!"

Remember that quote? It was from a kid named Lucas boasting the Nintendo Power Glove in the movie The Wizard, (though Nintendo did not develop this product." It is quoted to be the first peripheral to recreate human hand movements on a television or computer screen in real time. The way this system worked was that a person would simply wear the glove and press the buttons on the glove to program it with a specific game on the NES and with basic hand motions would get the proper response in the game, such as making Mario jump in Super Mario Brothers. The way the product was using reality was a game where you grab balls with a hand that is used by the Power Glove, which was released. However the Power Glove was criticized for not being able to function properly and was a failure. For a while people have not attempted to make any equipment for gaming to simulate anything representing a hand.

Oh Lucas, you're the boy every five year old wants to be!

And this is part one of my history of simulations of video games and their impact. Come back later and we will go onto part 2.

ehsan's Nintendo E3 Reactions!


Just because they had a terrible conference doesn't mean all hope is gone. Most of the games Nintendo releases go without the E3 light (Punchout!! Anyone?). And third party developers are showing more games, so that's cool. Though this doesn't give Nintendo an excuse to do whatever they want and make comments on revolutionizing. Thank you Nintendo, we saw that in 2006.... And you better make a Ninja Gaiden for the Wii Tecmo, with the Gamecube or Cl@ssic Controller support!!!!

So am I keeping the Wii?

M. Bison: Of COURSE! -Street Fighter: The Movie Pictures, Images and Photos

Of Course Motivational Poster M Bison Pictures, Images and Photos

You get my point. :P Feel free to comment. And if you don't get my joke watch Street Fighter. And if you missed the scene here.

How to Enjoy Your E3

E3 again, the time of year where you see the future games that are going to walk away with critical acclaim or the games that are going to leave you in sheer disappointment. This is going to be a great E3 and here is a progress to have the most enjoyable E3.

1. Make a list of games you are anticipated and put it in a schedule to watch from the developer. An example is that if you want to watch something Guitar Hero 5 related, then schedule your time for the Activision conference and watch. Also don't get too side tracked and go to preview or articles on a game you don't care about, because if you don't pay attention, you might lose track of time and waste many hours.

2. Make your snacks earlier and don't oversnack! Many people, including myself, get hungry after a period of time and need a refreshing snack. Always make the snack earlier, so you don't miss anything you want to catch. I myself am a perfectionist when it comes to cooking and sometimes take a while to cook. However also be aware of what you are preparing. Don't pack a lot of junk food, such as chips. And if you are making a sandwich make sure it is in a good form of bread, such as whole grain. Why you may ask me? Well, it is simply because if you eat unhealthy foods you will get hungrier faster and it will cause you to miss events, while you are re-snacking. Also you might gain a few extra pounds in the process.

3. Don't watch an event in like 3 in the morning! There are many people who have to watch a certain event and it is at a ridiculous time at night in certain areas. Don't do that! Your body cannot handle the lack of sleep needed for your body. Also it will affect the your next day. Just tell yourself, is missing hours of sleep more important than watching the video of a game that will come out in a few months? No! So don't do that to yourself, because it's not worth it.

4. Don't miss a special event for this. If you have work or have to go on a date with your boyfriend or girlfriend, then skip the show! As I said, catching a few minutes of a video game is not that important. Worry about your outside life more! If you have to do something, then do it! E3 or any other event is not that important to miss. If you miss something live, you can catch it anytime. Miss the live footage of a special game? Then watch it some other time! See, it isn't that hard! :P

5. Take moderate breaks. Don't sit at your computer for a very long time. It is bad and unhealthy for you. Take a break, have a small walk or bike ride. It will mellow you out a bit. Always have a scheduled break and everything will be okay!

6. Visit the forums and participate with the community! Gamespot is a great website and they have taken their time year after year to give you good coverage of E3 and the least you can do is to just post a little online and give them you input. Just don't cause any arguments. :P

Have a good time at E3!