In the context of modern feminism I don't think that's supposed to be an inflammatory thing to say. As far as I know, modern feminism believes in a concept called the 'patriarchy' which describes an overarching societal influence that assigns gender roles of dominance and leadership to men and more submissive gender roles to women. Though the focus is usually on women, this idea is sometimes applied in defence of men by criticising the male gender roles and the sometimes unrealistic standards these roles expect men to adhere to (in this case the toxic masculinity). That is to say, I don't think that her tweet is supposed to be an attack on men, rather than on the gender roles that feminism identifies and opposes. From her point of view she may very well have believed she was sticking up for men.
Still, there is absolutely no way that anybody who is not already familiar with modern feminism would have known that on reading her tweet without having it explained to them like I just did. It was very short-sighted of her to post that, and though I am not aware of any shooting incidents lately, if one did just happen then that's also incredibly tasteless and exploitative of her.
This is one of the problems that I feel exists with modern feminism, it seems to have become almost like an academic field that you have to undergo significant learning to even understand which makes it very difficult for people to engage with and deliver constructive criticism of it. The bigger problem is that people will be willing to open their minds and undergo a certain extent of education in order to be a part of a movement that is broadly recognised as being for a good cause. However this leaves them vulnerable to being exploited by those with less honourable intentions who may use it as an opportunity to also promote more radical ideas, or to promote themselves as an authority on the matter. Academics certainly aren't always the pure noble people we think they are, it is in their financial interests to be seen as an expert on a certain subject, thus it is certainly in their interests to promote their own theories and research above those of others that hold differing views, even if those differing views may be more rational and justifiable.
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