I usually get moths in my room over summer, damn near impossible to get rid of unless they land on something so not much to do but ignore them. Spiders are cool so I usually leave them (except for one the other week that was fucking massive, I put it in a box and showed everyone how big that fucker was before releasing it outside).
EJ902's forum posts
I don't understand the specific focus on sexism in gaming. There probably is sexism in gaming but it's a symptom of there being sexism in wider society - it's the same with movies, music, pretty much any other hobby. Why focus on gaming alone when the problem exists on a higher level and should be tackled there? If there is a disproportionately high amount of sexism in gaming compared to wider society then there is a problem with gaming, but I haven't seen any arguments for this being the case.
That aside, it's interesting to hear a self-identified feminist speak out against other sections of feminism. I think the problem with feminism, or rather many feminists themselves, is not their views (everyone has the freedom to hold whatever views they choose) but that they think their views are indisputable fact and everyone must agree with them. Efforts like this by other feminists serve as a reminder that there is no consensus and people are free to hold their own stances on equality and disagree with others.
I don't think that article's meant to be taken seriously at all. Even I worked that out and I'm the most unobservant, oblivious person ever!
That was a pretty poor list of things, they're supposed to be five separate pieces of information but that was just a single run-on article spaced with five headers that had nothing to do with the text attached to them. Still, good on her for coming out and writing it all in light of what's happened, that's a very bold thing to do. I still don't think she's a nice person but everyone has the right to say their side of the story, and nobody deserves to be abused.
I see Cracked itself is still garbage, however.
@EJ902: How, exactly, does it sound like desperation?
Why do you want me to explain that? That's just what my opinion is, it's just how I react to the idea. I don't really have an explanation for it. Though that feeling was probably formed based upon people I know who would do it. I admire the confidence it takes to do it but, at least with the individuals I know, I can't imagine them going to a club with the sole aim of finding a girl unless as a last resort.
Goldie Lookin Chain are probably one of the most well known groups to come from Gwent, at least the only one I can think of. They're a parody rap group that have made several songs about Newport (the city they're from) like this one. Here is one of my favourite songs by them:
Nothing remarkable about it. There are already plenty of people in there alone who just want to have a drink and watch whatever sport is on TV; if you're there to make friends then it's just a simple matter of going up to one of these people and asking them if they saw last night's ludicrous display. Though the idea of going to a bar/club alone just to score sounds like desperation to me, at least if you're with friends you can at least pretend you're there to enjoy yourself as your primary aim.
Short answer: All internet moderators are power hungry, ego driven manchildren
Long answer: Try asking at IGN for one.
Mi-ley Mi-ley Mi-ley
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