This has another to do with Gamergate though, this is, and has always been about, JonTron.
Well JonTron's tweet is about gamergate which is why people in this topic started talking about it
This has another to do with Gamergate though, this is, and has always been about, JonTron.
Well JonTron's tweet is about gamergate which is why people in this topic started talking about it
I don't understand JonTron's tweet at all, mainly because I have no clue who the person he mention or what their vision of the world is. Damn it all.
A very radical Japanese feminist who believed basically that men should have no rights. How JonTron could seemingly side with such a whack job is baffling.
I don't think JonTron was using him as an example of someone whose views he supports, sounds like the opposite to me.
On the subject of the irc logs, here is a long retort to them, the author argues that a number of Zoe's claims about the irc chats are false but I haven't checked his times myself.
@EJ902: I don't think screenshots are evidence of anything. Anyone with an opposable thumb can easily manipulate screenshots of an unlogged irc after the fact. Now, if we were dealing with a link to a logged medium, like a forum, a Twitter post, or even a comment thread on a video (not screens of it, the actual page), that would be different, but jpgs of a chat that's gone and unverifiable? Get them outta here, they prove nothing. I can post a comment with racist slurs in it, screenshot it, delete it and use MS Paint to put another user's name and avatar next to it.
The second link c_rake posted purports to contain the entire uncut IRC chat log that zoe recorded over a period of time, I haven't read it because it's absolutely massive. There's no skill in faking something like that but it would take a hell of a lot of time and effort. Though I think after zoe posted those screenshots some people argued that they had been slightly modified to include false incriminating messages. That would be very easy to do and very easy to get away with. Whether that actually happened, I don't know. Maybe I'll look through it when I get the chance as I'd like to know more about what's been going on behind the scenes and just how many people were involved.
I don't understand JonTron's tweet at all, mainly because I have no clue who the person he mention or what their vision of the world is. Damn it all.
It's not. It's about the gaming press wanting to be unaccountable for their malpractice. Trading dishonest reviews for sex (or anything else) is wrong, even considering the mockery that gaming journalism is these days. Hence the shitstorm.
The "hate against women" angle is a red herring if ever I've seen one, a smoke bomb to divert the attention from the real issue of corruption in gaming journalism.
I've posted links to their chat logs a thousand times by now (are you people blind or something?), but I guess I'll do it again:
Read through them all -- don't glance; read -- and tell me this is solely about game journalism. Because based on that evidence, it sure isn't.
I think those are pretty strong pieces of evidence that there are sizeable elements who are just making this a harassment campaign against Zoe, but I don't think they're representative of everyone participating in this. I've been paying attention to this all unfolding and I have no clue what gamergate is supposed to be about, and it seems nor does anyone else. Even looking at those chatlogs it seems those few people in the irc (the screenshots that do show the userlists show about 20-30 people at most which is a pretty insignificant number) are disagreed on what they're meant to be doing. Specifically one guy saying "don't tell me you still think this is about corruption in the industry", so presumably some other people participating in the chat actually believed that.
This whole thing is a mess, so it's all the more surprising that it's still going on. Personally I'd like it if this did end up with some of the more dishonest people in the industry getting found out and some cleaning up being done, but I think people like those in the irc chats there have sabotaged chances of that.
TC you replied to a post of mine in an earlier topic, I only just saw it and figured I'd reply to it here since it's similar rather than bumping an old thread.
On Zoe's ex:
Oh yeah, I'm sure he just wanted to warn people. It wasn't about revenge at all. Come on now. LOL If you have ever been involved in a bad breakup then you know better than that. I have been on both ends of that situation and I don't believe for a second that this was about anything more than revenge against an ex. I have ended a relationship in which the other person was angry about the breakup and I have been the one who was angry myself. I would never do what he did but I admit it would be tempting. So I just don't buy the whole altruistic "I just want to protect other people" crap he is feeding people. It is never acceptable to air dirty laundry from a relationship and certainly not to the extent where you create an entire freaking BLOG just for that purpose. LOL That just makes him seem kinda pathetic and obsessive. I'm sorry and no offense but its naive to think that he only did this because he wanted to help others.
I think you're absolutely right that it's not simply altruistic. I don't doubt that revenge and resentment toward zoe played a large part in her ex's decision to post his blog, with warning others perhaps being a secondary motivation or something to give it some credence. However I think you are trivialising it by comparing it to bad break-ups. Serious abuse, be it physical or mental abuse, is a far worse experience. I mentioned knowing people close to me who have nearly been broken by abusive relationships, those people have also had their own share of bad breakups which left them angry and bitter but those were far tamer than their experiences of abuse. If those people posted massive blogs about their abusers then I wouldn't believe for a second that they didn't get some enormous satisfaction from carrying out that action of revenge, but I also don't doubt that they'd be doing a public service by warning others of an intrinsically bad person who deceives others with a pleasant exterior. I had my own experience with a partner who was a very skilled and persistent liar and manipulator who tried to gaslight me once, and who I eventually concluded puts on a fake personality of niceness that I noticed them drop instantly as soon as it stopped working. I certainly wouldn't post a blog about them, we weren't even in a serious relationship, but I would have no qualms talking openly to others about them, should it come up in conversation and be relevant, to tell them what this person is like and not to be fooled.
Everything Zoe's ex describes about her is abusive behaviour (the cheating is only a part of that). Whether it's true or not is another story, he could just be being melodramatic. But I'm not arguing that people should believe him, just that they should keep an open mind. Zoe's ex has made a large number of posts on reddit (username qrios) since this and frankly he doesn't strike me as a particularly bitter vindictive person. I'd encourage you to read what he's written to get a better understanding, frankly I think he's been the most balanced and rational person in all of this zoe stuff.
The reason I say all this is because I think abuse is something that is trivialised far too often and this makes it worse for the victims. Worse still, many of the people writing him off without even considering his claims of being abused are some of the most vocal defenders of human rights (particularly womens' rights) in the gaming community. Consider it this way: Anita Sarkeesian, as you said in your first post of this thread, has been driven from her home as a result of threats she has received. Some people, even in this thread, have pointed out that has attracted abuse for a long time by virtue of simply being a vocal, controversial prominent figure, as many other such people have. By equating threats of serious harm with run-of-the-mill scathing, vitriolic criticism, do you feel they are trivialising the abuse she has received and setting a precedent for criticism toward others who speak openly about abuse?
As for the whole conspiracy surrounding Zoe Quinn, none of us know for a fact what has happened here. Everything is based on speculation and questionable evidence. I mean as far as facebook comments are concerned, its easy to fake those. I can't say I really care what happened either way. Like I said in another post, I just see two emotionally immature people with a failed relationship. As far as an "corruption in the gaming industry" goes, you can bet it has been there since the beginning, just like every other part of life. Yes, many sites and youtubers most likely are compensated for giving positive reviews for example. It would be naive to think otherwise when you look at every other aspect of society and how these things work.
You're right that there's been a lot of corruption in the industry and cushy relationships between developers and reviewers. Of all forums on the internet, ours should know this the best given what happened here with Jeff Gerstmann in 2007. Even if the reviewers aren't dodgy, devs still try to sweeten them up by sending them lots of game related junk (swag), or sending free copies of their game to review that just happen to be the expensive limited editions that come with loads more than just the game.
As far as her ex goes though I think he's gotten a lot of unfair treatment in all of this. He seems to have conducted himself rather fairly and calmly, both in his original post and the numerous follow up posts he's made on various sites discussing it with others. The wider "corruption in gaming" and harassment of people isn't something he wanted or encouraged. What I find to be unfair treatment is that he's painted as a bitter vindictive ex who just wants revenge, yet the stated aim of his post was to warn people about Zoe because he suffered a lot of mental and emotional abuse from her. If that is indeed the case then the fact that she cheated on him is probably a minor thing compared to everything else.
However I am probably biased in his favour as I know some people myself who have encountered serious abuse in relationships (abuse even worse than what Zoe's ex says she did to him) to the extent that it nearly ruined them altogether. A common theme is that their abuser is successful at maintaining a facade that fools others into thinking they're a good person, and they want to be open and tell others about their abuse to destroy that facade, warning any future partners not to get involved with the abuser to avoid harm. In these circumstances I would find it perfectly acceptable to air someone's dirty laundry (provided it's done in a sensible and responsible manner) if the outcome is successfully warning people of a monster who will badly hurt them if they get involved. That's why I sympathise a lot with Zoe's ex, though I accept it's possible I'm seeing him as more of a victim than he really is.
Ah I think this is more or less part of the same parcel of events as the Zoe Quinn stuff so you're better off keeping it in your other thread on that. Thanks
I remember you being very active in big rigs thread, watever happened to it now? =P
A mod can get suspended ? wow!
The big rigs board on gamefaqs still has a few visitors and there's always (I don't post there any more though). Sadly not enough people on GameSpot have awoken to the light that is Big Rigs, so our board for the game is dead.
The suspension was when I was 13, long before I became a mod :P
This game gave me hope when hope was gone, it gave me strength to journey on,
What's this game?
What's this game?
So where's the outrage about Gamespots aim down sights series?
What's their am down the sights series about?
It's a series about call of duty that is sponsored by activision. In other words Gamespot are being paid by activision to talk about a game made by activision.
Do they have any doritos or mountain dew while on air
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