Watched the vid above and yea, even after that, the progression system is still confusing, really confusing. The one main thing I'm not clear on right now is would I have the option to not use the crates at all? Or are all the various upgrades strictly tied to the crates, regardless of whether u earn them by playing or by paying??
Because yea, if I am forced to rely on completely random rewards to progress at all -- even being a huge SW fan and still avid player of the last game -- I wouldn't stick with BFII's multip. for long, and could easily see myself not even going down that whole mess of a road.
I cannot believe actual gamers spent over $200 million, in 3 months, exclusively on microtransactions, for pretty much 1 game!?! Would somebody please tell me what is so compelling about GTA Online -- since it's clearly raking in the most that way for Take-Two -- that it drives people to want to throw an absolutely insane amount of money at it in such a short period of time??!
I'm not banging on GTA Online either as I've never played it. Simply trying to make some sense of these completely crazy numbers.
I've liked Hitman in the past; even enjoyed Absolution to an extent, but at this point, I'm just tired of it (skipped the last game). What I've really been wanting from IO for the last freaking 7 years is a sequel to Kane & Lynch!!
I know Square Enix made them halt work on everything but Hitman after a while, but I was hoping when IO went independent that their 1st order of business would be to return to their sequestered IPs. Take a single break from Hitman, IO, and work on finally providing us some closure to that major cliffhanger ending in Dog Days!
I love Horizon but seeing this review for the DLC is bittersweet, since there's so many core games GS never bothers reviewing, esp. small and AA type titles -- many good ones too. Glad to see The Frozen Wilds looks like a good expansion though.
@7tizz: possibly, but there's no proof of that either. Besides, I've seen GS do it (very recently) where they spoke negatively of a game and it was opinion (no references), but again, worded to sound like everyone's viewpoint.
Not interested at all. Played and beat the original on PS2, and loved it, and didn't end up buying the PS3 version (cheap) till early this year. Also, I'm not gonna drop $40 (list price on Gamestop) on a 12 yr. old game.
@7tizz: I agree. Where's Oscar's evidence of that. GS is doing that more and more lately -- throwing out opinions in their articles that are worded like they're the mass consensus. Really grates.
@mrblondex: A correction needs to be made in your article. The Amnesia Collection actually has 3 games in it, not two. The one you failed to mention is called Justine. A little more research and/or less rushing to post old news next time, yea?
That's a little disappointing; I would have preferred more along the lines of 10-12 hrs. As others have said though, if the story and gameplay are solid throughout, I'm ok with it being shorter. However, that could delay my purchase more.
What??!! You're kidding me, right. Not Visceral! Dead Space is one of my all time fav. franchises, and they had put so much work into that Star Wars game, which I was also really stoked for.
EA has definitely gone way too far this time. Even if Dead Space ever sees the light of day again, it'll prob. never have the right look and feel as before.
And the fact that EA is shifting dev. on the SW game to Canada definitely smacks more of cutting production costs than their whole spiel about making it align with their stupid testing metrics.
What a horrible way to start the day. RIP Visceral. Best of luck to all the devs.
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