shit like this is why I avoid social media and don't use any of it. I may at some point have to have something professionally, but for my personal uses twitter/facebook/whatever just feels like a huge invasion of privacy. I have a passworded online photo gallery and that's it; if someone wants to know what's going on in my life they can ask me directly
If that's his attitude he's really in the wrong industry. Online people will talk shit about whatever it is you're doing just because that's just how the nature of the internet is. If your feelings can't brush off the shit w/o lashing back at them then you need to stay behind the scenes and keep your mouth shut. It's called being a professional. People are fucktards: ignore 'em and just get on with it.
I don't want to make light of a serious issue because it IS a real problem that needs to be addressed; I just have doubts that simulation software is the way to go about it. They need to have more and different anonymous ways of reporting this and actually have a follow-up investigation instead of just sweeping it under the rug
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