@vatorus It is sad how you can actually expect this to happen. Without Nintendo the videogame industry will be a dull grey world full of shooters. Don't you see how they inject new ideas each gen and, thanks to them is why Sony and MS are still trying?
360 and PS3 users are "too mature" to play platformers, most of them just like to see blood/guns/boobs. Aside from LBP, I haven't seen a single platformer doing well on those consoles so, I still believe this was a desperate move from Ubi and, furthermore, half of the experience -playing with Murphy- can't be done properly on any other machine but the Wii U.
It's funny how a lot of people are voicing without even a fair knowledge on Nintendo games. Mario Kart 7 has nothing in common with Double Dash, aside from the karts; Metroid Prime series is a whole different business than Super Metroid/Metroid Fusion; not to mention Super Mario Galaxy games which are completely different from any other 3D Mario. If you're going to bash at least play the games, some of them may be carbon copies but most try to bring each series to uncharted territory.
It looks a lot like Arkham City, Wii U version. With the detective features and all. Is nothing bad, it is a great game, but I still don't see the evolution. I mean, it is valid to do just a sequel/prequel, especially if the game is as great as the last one but something may be missing if it just that...
@Gurzociurlo @APizzo667 Do you even understand what "pathetic" means? Damn, if you were such a fanboy and mindless bought every Nintendo console I may understand why you're so sad and disappointed. I actually feel "pathetic" myself when reading your comments, which means full of emotions, angered.
enrique_marrodz's comments