I'm talking about hardware. As we all know, consoles must launch with hardware that is better than a PC in order to have the lifecycle of 6 years or so. Of course, every generation, the gap between console & PC hardware seems to close faster than it did the previous generation. The PS3 and 360 only had superior hardware to PCs for 6 months. And with the PC hardware industry improving at an exponential rate, it would seem almost too possible that the next ushering in of consoles will have hardware already outdated at launch itself.
Believe me when I say that both the PS4 and Xbox720 must have hardware equivalent to GTX590 SLi (not GTX580), to even be considered as a next gen console, in two years time. It may seem like an overkill for now. But in two years time, Nvidia will probably have a GTX760 or something. So in theory, the only way both next gen consoles can stay ahead of the PC at launch, even for a short period of time, is for Sony and Microsoft to start working on 700 series chips NOW, or something equivalent. Anything less, and the console industry will literally be picking up scraps left behind by the PC industry, at launch itself.
It's almost funny to think that PCs are on GTX580s now, while the PS3 is running on a 6800 SLi, which yields performance similar to that of a 7900 on steroids. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if the next batch of consoles launch, with me staring at the visuals, wondering why they look like things my PC could do 2 years ago. What are your thoughts?
They can do all that and more but are you ready to pay the $2,000 premium that will come with it?
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