I am disappointed.
I'm just as annoyed as most others that a small minority decided to attack a game because it revolves around a fat princess.
They obviously hadn' looked at the fun side of the game, and believe that games featuring skinny ladies - despite being completely unrealistic to 90% of the market - would be more suitable than a fun game with a fat princess that needed to be rescued.
What I am really disappointed about is the reaction of us to it, we seem to have gone completely overboard, trolling their forums and resorting to pathetic name calling and derogatory comments. As much as we hate to admit it, everyone is entitled to their own point of view, and by going to these people's own sites and flaming them, all we do is make ourselves look as petty and small minded as they are.
It was a similar situation with Resi 5, the amount of inflamatory and racist remarks that came up when the game was criicised were completely out of order. Granted, the idea that Resi 5 was itself racist was completely illogical considering the area the game is located, but the reaction of gamers to the comments did us no favours.
We let ourselves down when these situations arise, if we were able to communicate thoughtfully and intelligently when these debates occur we would find ourselves and our hobby judged less harshly.
Instead, we allow these people to think that playing games is indeed shrinking our brains without providing them with any evidence to the contrary.
Please guys, lets all think before we do these things?
P.S. I must admit, I did find the photoshopped pic funny though.
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