Good question. If I were Sony, I would definitely want RDR over Agent. MS and Sony probably had a little fight to secure exclusive rights to RDR that we dont know about. It seems an old Western shooter would appeal to more people than an Cold War espionage game. But this decision is based off of the very little info we know about Agent.
Im doubting Rockstars ability to pull this one off. I hope they do at least one of two things. Rewrite history by adding a lot of action in the Cold War. Or change their shoot em' up style to something more Heavy Rain + Splinter Cell. I just cant see Rockstar doing an espionage game when all their games are based on reckless gunfire.
I found it very confusing. Or rather lacking in details. Were never told what was actually done to the kids at 511 Kinderheim. And Johan seems too supernatural, being able to manipulate anyone he wants. And EVERYONE Tenma encounters turns out to have something to do with Johan.
But I agree, the anime was very creepy and I sometimes forgot I was watching an anime.
I dont see much talk about Halo Reach's graphics and I find that mind boggling. Im pretty sure Halo Reach is a good nominee for graphics king of this entire console generation.
Dont believe me? Check out this video.
Sure some ground textures arent the best, but look at the character models and effects. Overall, this is looking to be my graphics king of this generation.
Edit: Some of you think Im talking about console graphics king. Im talking about graphics king period. Yes even better than Crysis when taking into consideration the effects and animations.
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