I feel so bad for the middle class people who buy these things. If youre upper class, then I envy you. But if youre just some random guy who works at Walmart who comes home to buy a $25 horse for an MMO, LOL at you and your mother.
Like a previous poster said, 360 owners were the first guinea pigs to have DLC tested on. They took the bait and now the industry is all about gimped up games and DLC a month later.
Im just so pissed off at the little tweens that use mommy and daddys credit cards to buy useless DLC, causing us to have to deal with this BS because of supply and demand.
Theyre probably going to have some corny announcement like Konami did with Kojima announcing MGS for the 360.
Corny as in M$ sticking it to cows everywhere?
No, corny as in having some Japanese guy who speaks like 10 words of english come out to make the announcement when they can just have some rep come out. Be honest, the Kojima announcement was so corny. "But I didnt say anything about Solid Snake! *cuts to trailer*" So retarded.
im all about blaming the manufacturers and developers but seriously, what are you expecting? if you want 3d without the glasses and tv set, go take some drugs.
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