@Redmoonxl2 @Erick @shadow580 @Miroku32 I agree that Daniel probably had only "x" amount of time on the Multiplayer, and I get if you want to harp on him for saying something is OP or if he sees the community saying that. The community says it because the Pros say it, and they take their word as truth. Of course that's up to debate, but like I said at MLG Dallas people/pro's were complaining about oracles, terran medivac boosts, etc etc. Its all over, and people tend to gravitate to those opinions especially if you've been beat by those strategies.
That said that's what makes the game fun, is that its ever evolving and people are figuring out new strats etc etc. Of course the review though is here for day 1 or week 1 of play for people other than those that focus on MP. MP is just an aspect of the game, albeit a big one to some. There is still SP to consider. Healthy discussion is good though! :P
@shadow580 @Miroku32 Pretty sure Life saved Terran from getting nerfed. All the pros there had a general consensus that zerg was teh worst and even Leenock himself said no zergs top 8 before Life happen to make it. As Browder says, its going to take 3-6 months til HoTS is tuned properly. Think of the lack of new units we saw. People havent had enough experience with it yet.
Single Player is great, and I feel like it's done a better job than WoL did in my opinion. Also, multiplayer seems fun and great but I can see it still being daunting in some cases.
For example: Last night as I was doing my placements it pit me up against 2 bronze players and for whatever reason blizzard has decided to put a (ranking) frame (bronze,silver,gold,etc) around your portrait which then prompts me to know that. I beat both, and one guy knew I wasn't bronze but I told him I was in placement and he was upset based on game mechanics. I felt bad, I hope it's just that since it's early less people are on and people play their tier level.
@_el_Greco_ I'm only on mission six or so, but so far for me personally they are doing a better job with Single player than they did with WoL. Ive felt more compelled to keep playing SP more so than ever. Even if I can kind of tell what is probably going to happen in the story, I still want to find out.
Erick's comments