@Sampawende I wasn't actually "bitching" about D3, I played that game much longer than most people, and its reflected in all the videos/live streams we've done here with me and my coworker. For the ten years that we waited I wanted more, and let's be honest the RMAH broke that game. Maybe Expansion will fix it.
What I was really trying to do as everyone does is compare games, and features one game has that the other doesnt have. I think bartering/trade chat is better personally, as well as some of the diversity you get to pick yourself. Opinion is opinion but I want you to realize I love the Diablo Franchise. I literally live streamed 40 straight hours when D3 came out.
@Sideshow_me I can see this, but try the maps at end game to experience this, and maybe a couple people here will want to join in and party action is definitely more fun.
@GeorgeSyll Interesting. One I've been playing for 3+ weeks never been hacked nor have any of my friends gotten hacked. I have no idea what kind of key logger you have on your PC.
Two, you don't have to pay at all for this game or to "enjoy" the game. You can play the entire game right now free. The dev's have come out and said none of the microtransactions will give anyone an advantage. It's all cosmetic.
Erick's comments