[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="lawlessx"] post the links please..lawlessx
Go a page backward and look for your self you will see a large post directed at garland it has 3 different links,with 3 different quotes XBL was down,it prevented many from playing period,up for a while and down again,even MS admitted this i don't even know how you people have forget this.this is the headline:
Xbox Live outage, day 13: still up and down, still preventing fun from being had
From just reading that alone it states XBL was having issues and was never completely down.
contuine reading on:
"To all those who've been tipping us like crazy about Xbox Live going back down again: yeah, we heard, and we know you're not happy. If you're having problems (or even if you're not), feel free to let us know in comments. Almost two weeks of outages, yeesh."
Right here states that while some people were indeed having issues getting online..others were able to do so. How you are able to read this as "XBL shut down for 2 weeks" is proof of your bias towards sony.
Lol, i'd like to see tormentos talk his way out of this one. His own links prove him wrong. Haha how hilarious.
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