[QUOTE="ZombieKiller7"]Basic functionality = Console + online
360 cost = $299 + $50/year for 6 years = $599 for basic functionality
PS3 cost = $299 = $299 for basic functionality
I am not aware of any dedicated servers for 360 games. It might have some, but I don't know any off the top of my head.
PSN has dedicated servers for : MAG, Resistance, Warhawk, Killzone. This I know for a fact.
You can have cross-game chat, I'll take dedicated servers.
PSN Free > XBL Gold
If you /want/ to, optionally you can get PS+ depending on which games you like, it can save you some money with discounts and freebies. I can totally see this being worth $50 a year.
XBL $50 a year? Ripoff. Consumer Fraud. Theft. Class Action lawsuit. "Drive your own car and pay me for gas."
This is the whole truth about the matter and the reason why XBL and PNS+ can't be even compare,they don't do the same or have the same purpose,one charge you for huge discounts,and given you a chance to play games without actually paying for them individually and the other charge you for online play. What kind of flawed logic is this. PSN+ charges you for discounts. Guess that defeats the purpose of having a discount doesn't it.
Hypothetical situation: Your being charged $10 to get an item at $10 discount, now anyone tell me how much you saved.
And just for your information.
360 slim 250 GB costs€229 (cheapest in retail)
PS3 slim 160 GB costs€269 (cheapest in retail)
PS3 slim 320 GB costs€296 (cheapest in retail)
PS3 slim 250 GB costs€284 (calculating the price of the difference between the 160 and 320 GB HDD's)
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