@Morphine_OD The review was simply not written for you then. Get over it. Move on. Insult some other hard working, talented writer on a site that gives a crap.
When one little review stirs up this much hate (and indeed most every Mc Shea'd game tends to), you know the reviewer is truly an asset to his/her publication. Not to mention when a reviewer practically has a meme devoted to their name. Mc Shea, you are a national treasure. As for the others, keep feeding the flames (it's what they want you to do).
@Tixylixx As veteran of both games, I feel that DOTA is much deeper and more satisfying (and more frustrating) than LOL. It just depends on personal preference, but saying we don't need any more MOBA games is like saying we don't any more RPGs. It's just another genre of games.
evilweav's comments