@Excetera-ZEN If game creators bowed to every consumer wish and demand, the products would be utter crap. I'm sure there are plenty of people who wanted guns in amnesia, or the ability to voice chat in journey or dark souls. game creators are game creators because they are generally smart, talented artists. It's the corporate entities who ruin it for the rest of us.
@LtReviews Yeah but that was greg kasavin. There are a lot of discrepancies between individual reviewers. McShea considers Half-life 2 "by far" the best shooter ever, and yet the site gave it a 9.2. A lot of perspectives change when viewed in retrospective, and the doom 3 flashlight situation might have been one of them.
Game creators should learn from their mistakes, and correct them by innovating with future products. Games can be art, but most of the time they're simply products that earn money for people. Art is such a subjective term anyway that what one person might enjoy as art, another might consider garbage. What if the backlash concerning the mass effect ending was planned all along as some artistic social experiment? Although this is obviously not the case, bioware could theoretically claim this as art, and "stand by" their creation, fans and critics be damned. That's why game creators can't just look at their medium as art, because taking wildly off-the-wall creative risks can potentially ruin lives.
Musicians don't rewrite an entire album because it gets a 72 on metacritic-- they stick by their art because hey, most aren't even in it for the money.
Congrats Carolyn on being the smartest video game reviewer on the internet. You and the other Gamespot reviewers are the reason why I come to this site.
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