@XCyberForceX EVERY time I try buying anything from them I'm hounded by the sales team to preorder! preorder! preorder! like there's no tomorrow. and when I say, I'm getting it on steam, they say that now you can download games digitally from their website. the problem is, they're still trying to sell games like it's 2003.
A unique and memorable singleplayer campaign has enough replay value to justify the $60 purchase for me. If Japanese devs don't produce games that allow for a decent multiplayer mode, they need to make up for it with truly exceptional singleplayer. Vanquish was a full price purchase for me, though I agree with Cliff that it could've at least included some coop.
last year the guys at runic said torchlight 2 was for sure coming out in 2011. then they said it was for sure coming out before diablo 3. now i'm not sure how interested in this i am, because it will feel so stale after playing diablo 3 to death with my friends.
evilweav's comments