@Meet391 this has been an excellent year for PC gaming, and it's not over yet. The reason no one cared very much about Halo 1 and 2 for PC was because it wasn't optimized very well, requiring ludicrous system specs (for the time) yet still managing to lack in just about every way. The PC will always be the best platform for risk-taking developers to get amazing products out that never would've seen the light of day on a console, such as Crysis 1 or The Witcher 1 and 2. If it weren't for the PC community embracing these games, the developers would not have the cash to release them on consoles later. For a PC gamer, you're very pessimistic, especially in light of these great interviews from industry professionals who claim that the industry is doing just fine and will continue to thrive thanks to innovative indie devs and guys like Zynga.
@bata619 The Xbox Live hack wasn't as serious because at the time the number of users was a mere fraction of the number of PSN users. Besides that, potential identity theft is really the only real issue with the PSN hack. If it had just been a shut-down for a month, no one really gets their panties in a bundle except for shareholders and publishers. Identity theft on a mass scale has the potential to completely obliterate any corporation, regardless of size. There are a lot of painful truths to this whole situation that a lot of hardcore PS3 fanboys are going to have to learn to accept, but in the meantime: GREAT ARTICLE GIANCARLO.
Played through single player once and co-op once, and I'm trying to hold off a couple months before I run through it all again. Believe me, it's a tough wait.
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