There's nothing more compelling than seeing an everyman become a badass hero. It's that sense of progression that makes many games so darn satisfying. infamous did a much better job at this than prototype, in that the character doesn't become all-powerful all at once. In the max payne games, max could only take as many bullets as his enemies before dying. he was very much a vulnerable everyman, but with the advantage of bullet time.
I agree with this article, however, there has been WAY to many whiny articles like these recently. I think the gamespot editors should confine their personal views to their personal blogs and the hotspot. This crap is not front page material. you're turning into f***ing ign.
This has become my favorite gamespot serial, keep up the good work danny. and no, Valve wouldn't release three new games in one year. HL3 is coming out Q1 or Q4 2013.
Nice editorial. I agree wholeheartedly, and I thought the ending of Mass Effect 3 was an emotionally fulfilling conclusion to the greatest sci-fi story of this generation.
dark souls is a masterpiece. I'm only 20 hours in and I love it more than any other game I've played this year. 2011 truly was one of the greatest years in gaming.
skyward sword is great on the surface but even its basic gameplay mechanics are broken. just when it gets fun it requires some ridiculous new mechanic that requires multiple controller re-calibrations just to function properly. And even then the controls are delayed and unresponsive. i think 7.5 might have been a little harsh, but the game would have been so much better with a more traditional control scheme. mario galaxy got the balance right, but zelda pushed it a little too far into family game territory to take seriously anymore.
i've tried it and love it. the 3d adds rather than detracts from the experience in my opinion. once there's a more solid stable of games I may have to pick up a 3ds.
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