No, no, I'm not going there on holiday. I somehow managed, within the space of 3 days or so, to become the editor of the UK comedy show called Benidorm :D :D and after watching it, I'd never even consider going there on holiday ;)
It didn't have a single quote and had incomplete cast and crew listings, so I started adding quotes and I've been fixing the credits and became its editor. Still loads to do, as far as I can tell, almost all episode summaries were copied from other sites (I edited one, but need to edit the others as well). It's been a while since I've gotten a new guide so YAY :D
This is a picture from it, featuring the 'lovely' Garvey family including orange-tanned, chain-smoking Madge LOL
In other me-related news ;) it's glorious weather here and it's a long weekend too. Monday is Whit Monday, i.e. a day off and Sunday is Mothering Sunday over here. It's already been in the UK, not sure about the US, but being the dutiful son that I am :P I will drive to the Netherlands and visit my parents and have a BBQ :D YUM :D
What I have been watching:
A disaster movie, made for TV (make that ITV :) ) that hasn't made in to either movietome or It's wasn't bad as such, but it wasn't great either. It was fun to see familiar bits of London flooded though :D
A lovely coming-out, surfer movie.
Hollow Man 1 and 2
1 was better than I remembered and 2 was hardly worth the name sequel and I bet Christian Slater only did it for the money.
The Dukes of Hazzard
As a fan of the original series, I long avoided this but the DVD was on sale, very cheaply, so I couldn't resist. Not a Knoxville fan but he was bearable in this, the same goes for Ms Simpson. I've always liked Sean William Scott and he was good in this one too.
OK thriller with surprise twist at the end. Again, this one did not make it to either movietome or
Sydney White
Enjoyable teen comedy very loosely based on snow white :D
The latter two movies I watched because they featured an actor from one of the tv shows I watched, namely Matt Long, who starred in:
Jack and Bobby
This is a brilliant series that, unfortunately only lasted one season. It's smart, intelligent, well written and stars great actors. Unmissable and thus recommended !!!
As usual, continued to watch some other series as well, but you all know them by now ;) They are: The Tudors, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Gossip Girl and Greek. Oh yeah, Obviously I should add Benidorm to that list, but there's only one episode of season 2 left :(
Level 51 - 80 % - 7710 subs - 16632 profile views I might make it to level 52 yet :D
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