expatriot Blog
Eureka and new toy
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New level and new submission system - No more submission until then please
by expatriot on Comments
Well, last week I managed to reach level 46 but I've been busy and a bit too lazy to blog about it, but now, with the new submission systems about to start (2 July 2007), I simply had to write a small blog entry.
From the PM:
TV.com is launching a new and improved Submission System based on your
feedback and suggestions, this Monday, July 2nd.
I hope this will mean the end of catchups, but now that I read it again, it just mentions submissions, there's nothing about levels ??? Let's wait and see what happens from Monday :D
level 46 - 16 %
Awwww 99.63 %
by expatriot on Comments
No fair !! ROFL
When I'm logged in it looks like I'm at level 45 - 100 %, which, in my book, equals level 46 LOL but when logged out I can see it's actually 99.63 % :(
Sooooo close to a new level :D
Finally, a new level: level 45
by expatriot on Comments
Yay :D
Even with a lower submission rate (lower compared to some mad weeks :P ) I finally managed to gain a level :D
I'm now a swizzle bird, never heard of it and I'm too lazy to google it ;) but it's a new level, so :D
Level 45 - 7 %
Long time, no blog
by expatriot on Comments
It feels like and has been ages since my last blog, but I didn't and still don't have anything to blog about LOL. Still, I thought I'd better post something or people might think I've disappeared.
There've been a few catchups so I'm now level 44, a Golden Boy :D I've been watching season 2 of Dempsey and Makepeace and submitting quotes and crew, meaning very few submissions this last week. I could've used this week to gain on Dan again, but I didn't want to spoil his birthday ;) or perhaps I was just too lazy to do any real submitting :D
Most shows that I watch have ended or are on hiatus, with one exception, next week, Kyle XY will starts its second season :D and I'm looking forward to it. Season 1 is out on DVD too...
My mini-rant for today: don't you hate it when you get out of a shop and only THEN remember what you wanted to buy?? (no ageist comments please :P )
Take care anyone :D
Level 44 - 39 %
Contributor Sensei, as in, 5000 submissions!
by expatriot on Comments
Wow, the second celebratory blog in a row :D
Don't worry, I'll keep it low key. 5000 submissions and, as a result, a new emblem:
I really have DanBambridge to thank for gettng this one. Without our friendly competition, I never would have managed this in such a short time. I registered here on 9 April 2006 and after about 9 months on 23 Feb 2007 had 1000 subs, It then took me about 2 months to get to 2000 on 6 April and, about 1 month later, today 19 May 2007, I've achieved 5000 submissions :oops:
Summer is coming up though, so I won't manage to maintain this submitting rate. Adding thousands of episodes to one show loses its appeal too, after a while ;) I guess I'll take it easy from now on, I never expected to reach this level or this number of submissions anway ;)
Some more adorable puppies:
Currently listening to: Manic Street Preachers - If you Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next!
Welcome to my new tv.com friends too :D
Level 41 - 42 %
5002 submissions ;)
100 Blogs / 2-Level Update / Supernatural / Sleeping in/Puppy
by expatriot on Comments
Yay, I managed 100 blogs
Thanks to everyone who reads my blogs or just blops by
At the same time, tv.com came up with an unexpected catch-up so I went from Level 39 - 66 % to level 41 - 37 %. Another 2-level catch-up and a nice surprise. because I had expected it only today. Maybe they decided having a chat and a catch-up at the same time was not a good idea ;)
In other news, I am very happy that
Supernatural will return for a third series
Other series have not been that lucky :(
Even though I don't have to work today, I was, once again, up at 6.00 :( I went online, discovered the catch-up, posted a bit here and there, read some posts, made a few submissions :oops: and then decided to go back to bed :D I managed another two hours in bed :D and only properly got up at 9.30, which is excellent! It's dry and sunny at the moment and I've still got lots of DVDs to watch as well as part 2 of Supernatural's season finale! Looking forward to that but dreading the long wait for new episodes.
Congrats to everyone elso who gained some percentages or a level and especially to Danny Boy ;) who is ahead of me once more (but after 300+ subs per day that's hardly surprising ;) )
(for some reason, I always think of people called Dan as 'Danny Boy' LOL A friend of mine hates it so I don't use it (to his face ;) )
After yesterday's LOL cat, I thought I'd post a cute puppy, as I'm more of a dog person than a cat person. So, here is one CUTE puppy
Level 41 - 37 %
4813 submissions (5000 is just around the corner ;) )
Thank Heaven for Holidays
by expatriot on Comments
Anyone see what I did there ?? 'Thank Heaven' for Ascension Day ;) NO ?? Oh well :P
I've been up since the crack of dawn, which is really annoying as I wanted to sleep late, but I never, ever manage that :evil: My stupid body clock must be broken.
I haven't really blogged because I don't have any news. Work is the usual, tv.com is the usual (more and more bugs, disappearing CPs, no level update and now Missribs is leaving us [Good luck at youtube :D ] ) and the weather has been awful.
I plan on watching Heroes and Lost today as well as some DVDs that I got a while ago but never got round to watching ( I blame Dan ;) and myself for trying to keep up with him )
I thought about what kind of pic to add to this blog, to liven it up a little bit, but I couldn't think of something original, so I'm jumping on the lolcats bandwagon :D (yes, apparently they are called lolcats)
Since I don't really do albums, my song for today is Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars. I love it :D
Level 39 - 65 %
4570 Submissions (5000 doesn't seem too far away :D )
Another 2-level jump
by expatriot on Comments
Nice catch-up :D
From level 37 - 13 % to level 39 - 62 %. This means I'm now a Fonzarelli :D
How cool is he :D
Congrats to everyone who gained one or several levels because of this catch-up. As fun as these catch-ups are, I wish the new level system would be implemented (I've given up on the old system) and let's hope it's bug-free ;)
Level 39 - 62 %
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