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expatriot Blog

Superduper Blog (OK, honestly, not really) / New Editor / CPs / No Level update

Hello all :D

Even though this blog was announced, which according to some people should make it extra special :? it's not special at all. It's basically the same old story or perhaps I should say rant ???

First the good news. About two weeks ago I posted that I was to become editor for a person guide but this never happened. Well, it finally happened :D Now I don't know if this is the result of my PM to Missribs or because they recalculated CPs in general, but it worked. I got the missing 40 CPs for another show and I've also received the long overdue editorship for

Alistair Appleton


For those who don't know him, he's a BBC presenter and actor who had a small role in a Doctor Who episode.

This means that at some level the CPs must have been recalculated, so YAY for that. I've been submitting to a current US show and those CPS were incorrect as well, but miraculously they were correct today. With 80 points, I really should be the editor, but now I've got the retired editor bug to contend with :( He had only a few points more, so with a few more accepted submissions, I might just get another show tomorrow (finger crossed everyone).

Now for the rant part: LEVELS ! ! ! ARRRGGGHHHHH UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I believe tomorrow it will have been one week without a proper update. I don't count those little one or two percent updates, they don't take subs into account and that is where the real progress should be made. I guess it's not :(

Oh yeah, I created a quickie blog-header animated image, which intentionally stops moving after a bit. I thought the image I used on Filmspot, which suddenly showed up here too, looked odd. So, for now, this is it. I't blue and basic, but it works, to my surprise cause many people are complaining in the forums about their inability to edit preferences. What do you say, bugs, here on tv.com ??? Never ;)

Level 29 - 74 %

3 new guides / no level update / still CPs missing

Well, I don't know how I did it (I had a little help from Dan, thanks !) but I managed to get three more show guides.

Firstly, To the Manor Born

Starring the inimitable Penelope Keith and Peter Bowles.

Secondly, The Thin Blue Line. A comedy starring Rowan Atkinson which, I feel, is often underappreciated.

Thirdly, Growing Pains. No no, not the American sitcom with the same name but a rather obscure BBC show that started as a radio show, moved to television for 2 seasons and then went back to radio. I remember watching this, but memories are a bit hazy and not a lot of information can be found, so this is going to be a work in progress.

Ray Brooks and Sharon Duce, as Tom and Pat Hollingsqorth. The couple who decide to become foster parents and around whom the series revolves (that's about all I could find LOL)

It's been several days now since we've had a proper level update. These days they only seem to take into account, forum and blog posts, certainly not subs! I hope staff realise the level of frustration this causes their members. I've lost track and am actually kinda curious as to what level I will be when (if ??) the levels do run.

I'm still missing CPs for various shows. I received a reply from Missribs who has forwarded my 'issues' to the engineers for investigation. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

level 29 - 72 %

Blog header ??

Am I seeing things or is my filmspot blog header image showing up on tv.com all of a sudden ????


If so, can I customise it on a per site basis or is it going to be a cnet wide thing ???

Level 29 - 70 % 


I'm back / New level / CPs ???

Hello :D

I'm back, after dreaming about internect access and tv.com in particular during my work-related internet-less absence, I'm back :D

I'm back to discover the levels have updated. I'm level 29 - 62 % percent now. Volgar the Enforcer

 Not a bad jump from level 27 - 47 % :D

As feared, Dan's overtaken me :( ;) so congrats to him :D

I missed the Missribs'  'mystery' (just read about it) and, unfortunately, I'm still missing loads of CPs :( Oh well, it's good to see nothing changes, too much ;)

level 29 - 62 %

Absence / Idle Hope ?

Well, as mentioned earlier, I'll be absent from the site for a week as of tomorrow, Monday morning. I should be back on Friday evening :D Any submissions (unlikely, I know) will have to wait, it's not like any of my shows are in the top 10.

Five days without internet access!! I'll be suffering from withdrawal symptoms by Monday evening ;) The things a man's gotta do to earn a living LOL I'll miss all of you faithful blog readers ;)

As for what probably turns out to be an idle hope, I hope that when I return all my CPs have been calculated correctly (I'm still missing CPs and one editorship) and I've gone up a level (or two :D ). It would also be nice if all the bugs on the site were to be fixed by Friday :D ;) 

Take care everyone  :D 

Level 27 - 47 %

(2480 accepted subs / 9 pending)

New level / New Editor

Well, a level update at last :D 112 %, which, to be honest, seems still too low, but it sure beats no level update at all, so I'm happy :D I'm now level 27, a shark jumper

I mentioned yesterday that I should get a new editorship, well, I got one, but not the one I was talking about. Very strange. My accepted submissions show I've got 40 points yet only 30 show up, so I'm still not the editor :( However, after I posted that yesterday, I submitted loads of stuff to another person and lo and behold, these points do all show up and have made me the editor of James McAvoy

He was in Children of Dune as well as in the Chronicles of Narnia and the Last King of Scotland and will be in many more movies this year.

It's very nice and sunny weather at the moment, so I don't think I'll do many submissions today.

Now that Freaksgeeks has resigned, does anyone know the member of staff in charge of banners and images ??? I would like this person whose editor I'm not :) to get a picture. Who should I contact about this ?

Enjoy the sunshine everyone :D

Level 27 - 45 %

Two new editorships and a new emblem but still no level update !

Finally, CPs were updated and I received two new show editorships :D

(Frank Herbert's) Dune, the mini-series

and its sequel, Children of Dune


I loved the novels and the movie is an experience. Both these mini-series are great too :D

Well, the new emblem is, of course, the Sopranos Chat emblem

The chat was chaotic but at least there was less spamming than during the 24 one.

Now to the annoying bit. Despite all these CPs, there's still been no level update for 3 to 4 days now :( Frustrating is an understatement, but I don't want to be censored ;)

Hopefuly someone will approve all the subs I did today, cause then I might get a new person guide tomorrow. I think I'm compensating for my week's absence as of next Monday. Work has a lot to answer for, grrrrrr  :D LOL

Level 26 - 33%

Celebrations!! and a new level


Well, as some kind people have pointed out, celebrations are in order :D (I'm normally not the type of person that keeps track of these things, which is why I've posted a blog about almost every new level, because I DO want to keep track of that ;) )

Yesterday, was my one year anniversary here :D and I needed Ramona (thanks!) to point that out to me ! When I started posting and submitting, this site seemed very intimidating. All these people with their high levels and many emblems, eeeek. However, I soon discovered most people here were and are very friendly and helpful ! In this year, I've amassed 27 emblems myself, some of which I'm really proud of (the 1000 and 2000 submissions, for instance). I've become an editor of 7 people and 6 shows as well as a TC for 1 show and 3 people (thanks also to the kind editors who made me a TC).

As of writing this, I've written 57 reviews, got 2109 accepted submissions, 5 pending and 42 denied, giving me a grand total of 2156 submissions. Even though there are CPs missing, I've reached level 26 and am currently at 31 %. I've gained 31 friends here (thanks to every single one of them :D ) and, as pointed out by Dan, I've made exactly 1000 forum posts. In many of those 1000 posts, I've tried to give advice.  As mentioned before, people were helpful to me and I try to repay that by being helptul to others in turn. I'm still discovering new things here, only a few weeks ago, I joined my first tv.com Union over on Gamespot :D

Wow, this blog has turned into quite an essay ;) so I'll stop blabbering now. Thanks to everyone who's helped me, thank you to the people who comment or simply read my blog entries, I know I lead a boring life ;) (this is turning into an Oscar acceptance speech LOL). Let's hope my second year here will be just as much fun!

Level 26 - 31 %

Top 500 emblem

Despite not getting a level update for 4 days in a row now :( , somewhere, somehow, my points must still be counted, because I suddenly noticed a new, shiny emblem on my profile page :D


"This user has one of the top 500 point scores in the community"

Another one of those emblems that you actually have to work for :) so I'm quite pleased and a bit scared that I will lose it when I'm away for a week as of next week ;)

If everything works the way it should tomorrow, I should also have a new show editorship :D

In other, related news, the long Easter weekend is almost over and I've got to go back to work tomorrow. Oh joy ;) I hope everyone who reads this had a great Easter (including the birthday girl :D )

Level 25 - 66 % (still)

156 Percent increase, another new level.

YAY, Dan was right in his comment on my previous blog. There WAS a late update so the 180 subs were NOT lost :D

I am, as the saying goes, one happy (Easter) bunny ;)

Now that my 'hunt' for the 2000 subs emblem is over, I'm sure the next level will take a while, so, for now, I'm a Coconut Phone. 64 % is a long way towards the next level though ;)

Level 25 - 64 %