Grand standing ... this is not a valid discussion point. It wasn't 50 years ago with book. It wasn't 20 years ago with movies. It's not now with video games.
@elementonly08 @Patohua1 Maybe when it was owned by an actual person. I wouldn't want to be a Nintendo shareholder though. I don't know what the Mariners have to do with the continued success of Nintendo.
@cagedwolf The issue isn't necessarily that the kinect is bundled in. It's that the kinect provides no additional value for the extra $100. My current one is sitting on a shelf in the closet.
Theoretically, it could be cool. It's just that outside of Dance Central, there's really nothing else to use kinect with.
@horselessheadsm Yeah, I didn't know who he was. Clearly an Activision yes man. He's been with Bioware for a year and is in charge now? Grats on working the system?
It'll be interesting to see if a $60, multi-player only game sells well at all. Seems like the buzz has been positive so far, but a great multi-player game with no contextual story may not fly.
"If funding reaches $100,00 before the campaign closes tomorrow evening, developer Upheaval Arts will add a Zerg character class."
Do sites even bother editing anymore? This is the third typo I've seen on a major website. It's the smaller version of Polygon trying to produce the first review of a game and using a demo to do the review.
Let's ban the weapons first instead of blaming games, movies and music. Despite being dysfunctional, the US government is better than many alternatives. Having said that, these bills are grand standing of the worst kind.
eyeball2452's comments