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eyebrowless Blog

Pandamonium in the forums

people are actually asking to be banned and have their account destroyed because of the Gamespot Zelda review!  Topics are being locked left and right, and they are moving faster than a river!

i even accidentally witnessed a pron suicide thread! Unsavory! I screamed EWWW for 10 minutes straight!

mkaddict1 will never be the same:( he is scarred for life now, he just sits in the corner and wont leave

i pray for our souls



Suicide note for Jeff

I have decided to kill myself. There just seems to be no reason left to live. It all started about 20 minutes ago when I read a review...for the seemingly best game ever made. It got an 8.8.

That was it, how can I move on? This game was my only passion in life, and now its perfect score streak has been spoiled. It got a B. I get Straight A's just so I can play this game, and now I find out it only worth a B.

This is unsatisfactory.

Death to Gamespot.
Death To Jeff
Death To myself
Hail Allah

*1 Attachment*

*slits wrists*

i embrace you death!

Jeff gave Zelda an 8.8

Just wanted to tell you all that Jeff Gerstmann is an obese, flaming homo who eats little babies.



i used to worship him as a god...but now hes dead to me.:cry:

there is still hope for the gamecube version



funny thing said in Gamefaqs!

some guy was talking about how he played the Wii in his local gamestop but he accidentally said

"so, i walk into my gamespot..."

and someone else says, "i guess you mean gamestop because you cant walk into a website"

and this other guy says *lol* "like hell you cant *walks out of gamefaqs*"

haha i laughed pretty hard at that!:lol:

Extra Dough

i have about 30-40 extra dollars and i dont know if i should buy something (after i buy LoZ: TP).  I definatly want the TP guide when i get TP, but i also want a new DS game.  I dont know what to buy.  If i were to get a new ds game it would be Elite Beat Agents, or something else that im not really excited for until i do some research.  But i also say to myself that i dont need the guide and it would just ruin the game for me.  But ive always used a guide on zelda makes it less frustrating.

i probly wouldnt have enough to buy the guide and the game.

what should i buy to last me the Thanksgiving break?



New EGM!

just got my new EGM with Halo 3 and a new look, i havnt even opened it yet!

wait, what am i doing typing? *leaves to go read*




i got it!

i played last night til about 11:00PM.

the special features that came with the CE is pretty lengthy and worth the extra $10, plus the metal case is AWESOME

The great thing that came out of the delay is that since i preordered and had to wait a day, i got $10 OFF the price

so $70(collectors edition) - $14.40( i traded in Far Cry Instincs as my preorder) - $10 (for being late) = $48 and change!

thats cheaper than a current gen game!

and plus, my mom gave me $33 extra (for helping around the house and never getting allowance) so now i have $89 left!

i have to put aside $45 for Zelda:TP(cant wait!) and ill probly buy the $15 strategy guide with it! so i have like $29 to buy an awesome DS game

plus my mom is gonna give me 25 cents per soap bar i wrap! this will be the best holiday season yet!

actually, i might buy the Gears of War 360 faceplate i saw for $20 at gamestop


cant wait for my freind mkaddict1 to come over and we can do some co-op!



Hour away from GeoW....for real

Okay, so i called gamestop and they said that they have GeoW in today.

In about an hour ill be in the store purchasing it.  I may even pick up COD3 if i have enough at the moment, or my dad pays me the money he owes me.

god, i cant wait.  Im gonna go count my money and look for my pre-order receipt just in case.

if they dont have it, im taking the cardboard store display from them.



Funny Robot Chicken Quote

This one takes place in the star wars world.  Darth Vader just told the emperor that they blew up the death star:

"oh, we'll just rebuild it huh? yeah, real fuking original, and whos gonna give me a loan jack-hole?  YOU? You got an ATM on that torso light-bright of yours?!  Now get your 7 foot 2 asthmatic ass back here, or im gonna tell everyone what a whiny bich you were about "padamame" or "panda-bear" or whatever the hell her name is"

these are the only things that cheer me up after my gears of war problems...



Son of a Bich!!

son of a fuking BICH!

im so fuking pissed right now...

so i go to gamestop right? and i walk in and the guy says,"how can i help you?" and im like,"im here to pick up my gears of war preorder" and he shakes his head.

apparently, the palette that had call of duty3 and gears of war on it, got left at the FUKING AIRPORT and now they dont have it til tommarow!!!

another fuking day....


