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eyebrowless Blog

Gears of War update

Alright, so, i decided that i am going to get Geow wed. night when my dad gets home and take off of school on Friday to play all day and have a three day weekend.

Im about a half hour away from going to buy Geow.  The excitment is building.  I can not wait to play the begginning part that i have seen cliffyB play a hundred times before.

oh, so close...

ill leave a blog probly tommarow to tell you about my first impressions of the game



Im getting Gears on Wed.

topic says it all:

my gamestop wont have it in until noon on wed. so im taking off of school and am gonna ride my bike into town to meet my dad there(on his lunch break) and ill buy it than and play all day long.

wish i had it right now though...

I have 400 Posts!

this may have come earlier, but i dont post in every topic i read, so it is probly low for someone who is on this site practically everyday!

My Expectations for my most Wanted Games...

Note: This is all based on hype and speculation and reviewing habits of gamespot.

I think that Gears of War will score as follows:

Gameplay: 9, may be small, unforseen problems

Graphics: 10, duh, it looks sweet

Sound: 9, will be good, maybe unnoticable

Value: 10, great looking multiplayer

Reviewers Tilt: 9, they'll have tons of fun with it

all in all, a great score of 9.3

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Gameplay: 10, what zelda game hasnt been great at this?

Graphics: 9, look great but is on last gen hardware maybe 10

Sound: 9, zelda games always have great soundtracks

Value: 10, this game will last a long time

Reviewers Tilt: 10, who doesnt have fun with zelda?

all around score of 9.8

GOTY for sure!



A Long One On Hot Sauce

" I once had a co-worker who said she didnt like spicy food, so she would always order some bland alfredo dish, then get up to wash her hands after she placed her order.  One day when she got up to go to the restroom, her food cam, and i decided to put some hot sauce on her plate to make a believer out of her.  When she finally returned, i watched anxiously as she chewed her first bite.  In the middle of chewing, she clasped her throat and looked up at me with tears in her eyes.  Her face became bright red, and she tried to thank me, but she couldnt say the words: "Did s--...I cant eat...." I cut her off and told her she didnt have to thank me.  Her tears were enough. She enjoyed the hot sauce so much that her face became itchy and full of satisfaction.  Her nose started running and i couldnt tell for sure, but i think her nipples were becoming hard, which only turned me on more.  She was gasping for air, sweating bullets, and moaning, so i finally put it all together: she was having an orgasm!  Some guy sitting at the table next to me took notice.  He got up, wrapped his arms around her stomach, and started thrusting.  I wasnt going to let that son of a **** put the moves on her, so i sucker punched him right in the nose.  He went down like Monica, and all the excitement made my co-worker pass out.  She didnt come back to work the next day, or ever again.  I think she got a transfer.  one caveat with this method is that no every attempt will be successful like this story."



The Resident Evil & The Troat Quencher

On the different types of farts:

Resident Evil: Occasionally, a fart will be so bad that no amount of fanning, deodorizers and tears will make it go away.  The fart will cake itself in your clothes, carpt, and hair.  New cars will never smell the same, and if ground zero happens to be your couch, you'll get a new blast of ass air every time you compress the cushions by sitting on them.  These farts can sometimes be so pungent that you can taste them.

The Throat Quencher: This is administered while youre hanging out with a bunch of freinds.  When one of them passes out on your couch, quietly bring your ass as close to his mouth as possible, then bust that breeze straight down his throat.  This dosage may give him strep throat, and may cause permanent scarring.



From now on...

I will be submitting passages from an amazing book that i just bought called "The Alphebet of Manliness" by Maddox (my new god). 

These passages are hilarious and sometimes in bad taste, so take it with a grain of salt.



Another awesome quote!

Kyle says that Ike isnt old enough to understand sex

Cartman: "Whats so hard to understand?  You get a boner, slap her ti tties around, stick it inside her and pee."

Kyle: "Stick it inside her and pee?"

Cartman: "Well okay fine, unless you dont want to get her pregnant, than you pull it out and pee on her leg!"

