this game looks and feels beyond dated. i'm sure even the most stubborn fanboy will have to admit this a few hours in. sorry for this disappointment. some kids are really looking forward to this one,
personally, i think it's time that internet bloggers started to seperate their scores into "this grade is based on the games mechanics and this grade is my personal view which can totally differ from everybody's opinion". because it is beyond ridiculous sometimes how games get pushed because they got paid or just because. the internet is a dark place i wish we could go back to before when journalists actually had to have certain skills.
i don't know. i was never a fan of this studio. they tend to make boring games with abysmal ai. so, i will gladly pass on this mega-super-duper-hit ;-)
no one needs this multiplayer. i am switching all online interactions off, because who wants to deal with other people? the game already covers cheating and hacking. i don't need real life dudes screwing everything up.
1) the umpteenth variation of the gta open world formula 2) the western setting, was already boring in the previous one 3) too much focus on multiplayer
which means: no thanks, pass. but people seem to be acting like it was fresh and warm fruitcake for free.
what is it with devs and pubs to refuse to do proper market research? if they bothered, they would come to the conclusion to produce another mmo shooter in 2016 is doomed to fail. either bring the genre to new heights by investing into new game mechanics or leave it be. but no. "i am the big cheese and i demand we hop onto the trendwagon of an ego shooter *glglglgl*" ... don't know what to say to such an amount of ignorance.
facts23's comments