Ah yes...the whole "PC gaming is dying" argument certain uninformed people cling to...the one that gets debunked every gen.
Check some sales numbers for PC software between 2001 and today, and then compare that directly to console releases. Have fun doing that, by the way. There's a reason why shelf space in GameStop/EB dropped from an allotted 12 feet to 3-6 feet in the span of a few years, but hey, you're not interested in reality.
I havent heard of any major bugs, other then the copy protection issue, which was resolved...and like I said, given the anticipated specs, most posts I've seen on PC gaming forums are surprised Bioshock runs on older hardware from two years ago as well as it does.
Yeah. 2K just decided to apologize for the heck of it. Good call. :roll:
The number of Steam accounts is larger then that of Xbox Live! accounts, and with the Steam versions Valve enjoys full control over their IP and full profits, something they wont get with Live! or Playstation Network.
You're making absolutely no point, here. You initially made the misinformed claim that most PC games in the future would get exclusive downloadable content that console versions of the same game would never see, and I'm telling you not only will they get such content, console versions will probably get exclusive downloadable content of their own. Many of it is already planned for PC/console mulitplats, if you hadn't noticed.
For the initial hardware, yes, it is more expensive.
Thank you, that has been my whole point from the beginning, minus the overall point that it's more expensive no matter how you twist it.
PC gamers also enjoy certain benefits console games will never have.
For example, one can get a more enhanced experience with the PC version of Oblivion compared to the console version...you know that whole "leveling" aspect that annoyed many people with the whole world leveling with you....guess what, on the PC you have the option to get rid of it....can't do that on console.
Well holy crap. That must mean Oblivion on the 360 is a waste of time. ...could you possibly come up with a more trivial and random point? How far are you reaching?
Really?....How many editors choice (ie AAA) games has PS3 had this year at Gamespot in comparison to PC?....how about 360?
How many did Xbox have in comparison to PC from 2001 - 2005?
Oh, I see, we're going by Gamerankings....so Three times as many?
Check again....Xbox 360 has had a whopping three games released this year that broke the 90% review average....
Guess how many releases PS3 has had this year that broke the 90% review average....One...Oblivion...a game that was on PC last year.
guess how many PC has.....Three....just as many as 360 so far this year...and more then PS3.
This whole time, I have been giving you a break and including both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versus the PC, because my original point is that even if you have both, it's still cheaper than a gaming PC. And that remains true. Therefore, you must include BOTH sets of games because owners can play both PS3 and Xbox 360 games. If that's the case, you're in serious trouble. On top of which, if you take ANY two consoles of the last generation - and God help you if you choose the PS2 and Xbox - and they would vastly outstrip the PC's quality game frequency. And any two would be far, far cheaper than any solid PC gaming would be, using your own numbers. I've done this before and the numbers even surprised me.
My point remains, and so do the facts.
Yeah....and compare the titles released on PC in 2002 to the ones released in 2004....yet were able to run just effectively on a 9700 or even 9500 series, both cards which released in 2002.
...I don't even get the point of this. You made the initial - and gigantic - mistake by somehow assuming that PCs are the only gaming platform to show visual gains over a normal console lifespan. Thta was wrong, and it's still wrong. You will NOT make it all the way through one console generation without ever having to change a damn thing in your PC, and even if you DON'T, you still paid more for the gaming PC than any two consoles!
You keep bringing up Crytek....I have yet to see a quote from them that shows they are somehow switching from PC to PS3....or that PC is no longer their preferred development platform.
That's because you don't bother to keep up with the news. During a recent interview, Crytek said they're "heavily invested" in PS3 development, and Cevat Yerli provided the following quotes-
"We're optimising technology...for the future in general, there is a dedicated PS3 team."
"The PS3 room is separate because we have some secret technologies being developed there which are not related to CryEngine 2."
I wrote it.
Not only that, on the flip side, a PC from as far back as 3 years ago, like a 2004, does have the capability to play games that were released this year, maybe not Crysis, but someone with a 6800 series can enjoy Bioshock and medium settings.
Oh, not Crysis? What about this mess about not having to upgrade since 2003? What happened to that? Gee, I'll be able to play MGS 4, FF XIII, GT 5, and Killzone 2 while still being able to play MGS, FF VII, and GT on the PS3. Again, do you have a point?
Yeah...Field of View...you know, the area of your vision. When you're sitting in front of a 24 or 30 inch monitor, it takes up most of your viewing area, just as much as an HDTV.
And how about instead of asking people....you sit them down with something like Bioshock in front of a 30 inch widescreen and then in front of a 52 inch HDTV....I can bet the experience will be just as enjoyable.
Wait, what happened to the PC monitor being a superior experience? Why are we back-pedelaing to the point where it's "just as enjoyable?"
People like you have been yapping on about the "downward spiral" or "death" of PC gaming since the mid-90's.....hell, last gen your kind was at their loudest about PC Gamings death around 2002.....funny how two years later was one of the best years in PC gaming.
Yep.....PC gaming is kinda like the nameless one from PT......happily "dying" for years, yet also always coming back stronger.
I also look forward to this so called death of PC gaming people like you go on about every gen....cause it's usually a year or two after that it enjoys a big resurgence.
It's a bad idea to make any assumptions about me, my friend. I started gaming on PCs probably before you were even born, and I was very much against anyone who tried to say PC gaming was dying last generation. Some of the best years in PC gaming were in the mid-90s, and if you really believe there has been a year that even remotely stands up to some of those years since, you're too biased for words. See, console gaming doesn't have any "resurgences," because that implies there was a heavy downswing...which the PC seems to be permanently mired in. Now, it seems maybe one game every six months might provide a "resurgence," if you can even call it that. Every gaming veteran who has been following both industries for decades - and who isn't irretrievably biased - will make the exact same observation-
PC gaming is going down and console gaming is going up. I can't possibly make it any simpler than that. It's a fact, and one you can either accept or deny...but it won't change the fact. In the mid-90s, I would play Baldurs Gate, Half-Life, Diablo, Command & Conquer, etc. on my PC and be forced to play far inferior FPSs like Medal of Honor on the PS1 (although I've never believed PC RPGs were anywhere near as good as console RPGs, even then). Yeah, Half-Life vs. MoH or Perfect Dark...as if that was a fair comparison. Now, the gap has narrowed to the point where it's basically non-existent, and you die-hard PC gamers just can't accept this. I'm sorry, but again, that ain't my fault.
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